Zoology Department
The Department of Zoology started in 1979 to make students aware about zoological and ecological features of life.

CBCSS course
- BSc. Zoology
- BSc Zoology Degree (3 years)
- BSc Zoology Honours (4 years)
- BSc Zoology Honours with research (4 years)
PG course
- MSc Zoology with specialization – Environmental Physiology
FYUGP coordinator
Dr. Latha C
Mail Id: lathacmsm@gmail.com
To provide students with the knowledge and skills to become imaginative and integrated beings and to develop environmentally conscious citizens.
To impart knowledge and skills in zoological science among students.
To provide overall training in theoretical and practical zoology to students.
To encourage research and a scientific mindset among students
To bring about an awareness regarding nature and biodiversity.
faculty LIST

Dr. Bindu L
Designation: Associate Professor & HOD
Area of Specialization: Aquatic Biology & Biodiversity conservation
Contact Number: 9447029776
Residential Address: Veliyil House Kadakkarappally P.O. Cherthala Alappuzha-dist. Kerala–state, India – 688 529
Email: binduleela202@gmail.com, bindukylm@gmail.com
Official Email: binduleela@msmcollege.in
Academic Qualification: MSc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Teaching Experience As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024: 13 years 6 months
Social Media Links (LinkedIn/Google Scholar/Scopus/Academia.edu): https://scholar.google.co.in/ citations?hl=en& user=nUW-e9MAAAAJ
Academic Qualification: MSc, B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Research Experience: 23 years in Aquatic biodiversity conservation
Academic Positions at University Level: Research guide (University of Kerala)
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level: HOD Zoology, CLMC Convenor, NAAC – Criteria III Convenor
- Junior Research Fellow (ICAR-NBFGR 2000-2002)
- Junior Research Fellow (MGU -GAT 2001)
- Senior Research Fellow (ICAR –KAU 2002-2008)
- Project Associate (CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography 2008-2009)
- INSA Visiting Scientist Fellowship 2020 (Indian National Science Academy)
Malayalam Articles
- Thanneerthadangal- jaivavyvidyathinte supermarketukal. 2018. In : Vettappocha. Kerala University College of teacher Education , Kayamkulam. pp 41-42
- ‘Karimeenukalkkoru pillathottil’, Karshakan, June 2006
- ‘Koodinullile karimeen krishi’, Karshakan, July 2006
- ‘Valarthan naadan Meenukalum’, Karshakan, July 2005
Details on Journal Publications – UGC CARE/Scopus/Web of Science Indexed journals- International / National:
- Bindu, L., Sreeja, S., Varsha, K.V., Shameena, M and Deepa, R.P. 2023. Sex-ratio and size distribution of the sand crab, Emerita (Order: Decapoda; Family: Hippidae) from Thrikkunnapuzha beach of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 11(12):6-9 (ISSN 2321-340X)
- Arya, P. and Bindu, L. 2023. Assessment of pedunculate barnacle infestation on two non-commercial crab species of the genus Charybdis from the Alappuzha region of Arabian Sea, Kerala, South India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 11(1):35-58 (ISSN 2321-340X)
- Arya, P. and Bindu, L. 2023. Carapace width and length to weight relationship of edible crabs from the coastal waters of Alappuzha, Kerala. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India. 65(1):140-142. doi:10.6024/jmbai.2023. 65.1.2389-20
- Bindu L. and K.G., Padmakumar. 2021. Variability in Length weight relationship of Pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis (Family: Cichlidae) from the Vembanad wetland system, south west coast of India. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India. 63(1):63-66 doi:10.6024/jmbai. 2021.63.1.2252-09
- Remya, R., Amina, S. and Bindu, L. 2021. Length–Weight Relationships of Eight Fish Species from the Kayamkulam Estuary in Kerala, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 9:29-32 (ISSN 2321-340X)
- Bindu L. and K.G., Padmakumar. 2020. Catch and size composition of Etroplus suratensis (Bloch 1790) from Kumarakom region of Vembanad Lake, India, Indian Journal of Fisheries. 67(2):125-129. DOI: 10.21077/ijf.2019.67.2.69586-18 (Impact Factor 0.594)
- Bindu L. and K.G Padmakumar 2019. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Horabagrus brachysoma (Siluriformes: Horabagridae) from the riverine stretches of Vembanad lake, India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries. 7: 46-49 (ISSN 2321-340X)
- Mumthaz P.H., K.G. Padmakumar, L.Bindu.2019. Length-weight relationship of Long whiskered catfish Mystus gulio (Hamilton 1822) from Vembanad lake, Kerala. Journal of Applied Zoological Research, 30(1):17-22
- Bindu. L. 2018. Seasonal variations in the distribution of pedunculate barnacle Octolasmis spp. on. Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775) from the Ayiramthengu mangroves, Kerala. Indian journal of Geo marine Sciences, 47(9):1828-1833(Impact Factor 0.56)
- K. G. Padmakumar, L.Bindu, Sreerekha P.S, Nitta Joseph, Manu P.S, Anuradha Krishnan, V.S.Basheer. 2017. Captive breeding for conservation of Dussumier’s Catfish (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae: Clarias dussumieri) a Near Threatened endemic catfish of peninsular India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(7): 10380-10385; http://doi.org/10.11609/ jott.2444.9.7. 10380-10385 (Impact Factor 1.06)
- Bindu L. and K.G Padmakumar. 2016. Developmental aspects of the endemic cichlid fish Etroplus suratensis (Bloch 1790) in captivity. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries. 4: 45-55 (ISSN 2321-340X)
- Bindu, L. and K.G Padmakumar 2014. Spawning and early development of the endemic and threatened Yellow Catfish Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864) (Teleostei: Bagridae). Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(17): 5368–5374; http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/ JoTT.o3365.5368-74 (Impact Factor 1.06)
- Bindu L. and Padmakumar K.G 2014. Reproductive Biology of Etroplus suratensis(Bloch)from the Vembanad wetland system, Kerala. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. 43(4):646-654. (Impact Factor 0.56)
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu and P.S.Manu. 2012. Etroplus suratensis(Bloch), the state fish of Kerala. Journal of Biosciences (Indian Academy of Sciences).37(6) : 925–931. doi: 10.1007/s12038-012-9271-x (Springer; Impact Factor 1.94)
- Bindu L., K.G Padmakumar, P.S Sreerekha and Nitta Joseph. 2012. Reproductive biology of the Golden catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma (Gunther,1864) an endemic species of the Western Ghats, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28(5):772-777. (ISSN 1439-0426). doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.02026.x (Wiley-Blackwell ; Impact Factor 0.88 )
- Bindu. L. and K.G Padmakumar 2012. Breeding behavior and embryonic development in the Orange Chromide, Etroplus maculatus (Cichlidae, Bloch 1795). Journal of Marine Biological Association of India. 54(1): 13-19. doi:10.6024/jmbai. 2012.54.01679-02
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu, P.S.Sreerekha, A.Gopalakrishnan, V.S.Basheer, Nitta Joseph, P.S.Manu and Anuradha Krishnan. 2011. Breeding of endemic catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma in captive conditions. Current Science 100(8):1232-1236 (Impact Factor 0.91)
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu and P.S. Manu. 2010. In situ conservation and stock enhancement of endemic fish resources through captive breeding and artificial sanctuaries. Indian journal of Animal Sciences. 80(4):63-70 (Impact Factor 0.40)
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu, V.S.Basheer and A.Gopalakrishnan.2010. Threatened fishes of the World : Clarias dussumieri dussumieri Valenciennes, 1840 (Clariidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 87:297-298 (ISSN 1573-5133). Doi: 10.1007/s10641-010-9598-9 (Springer; Impact Factor 1.16)
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu and P.S. Manu. 2009. Captive breeding and seed production of Etroplus suratensis in controlled systems. Asian Fisheries Science. 22(1):51-60
- Padmakumar K.G., P.S. Manu and L. Bindu. 2009. Openwater culture of Pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) in low volume cages. Asian Fisheries Science. 22(2): 839-847.
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu, P.S Sreerekha and Nitta Joseph. 2009. Food and Feeding of the Golden catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma (Gunther). Indian J. Fisheries. 56(2): 139-142. (Impact Factor 0.20)
- Bindu.L, and K.G. Padmakumar. 2008. Food and Feeding of the Pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) from the Vembanad lake, Kerala. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India. 50(2):156-160.
Other Peer Reviewed Journals: International / National:
- Bindu L, Amina.S, Linsha.R, Sreelekshmi.G, Archana.P.L 2014. Breeding and early development of the nest building gourami Trichogaster trichopterus (Family Osphronimidae). International Journal of Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture. 4(4): 175-180
- K. G. Padmakumar, L.Bindu, Sreerekha P.S, Nitta Joseph, Manu P.S, Anuradha Krishnan.2014. First report on captive breeding of endemic Red tailed silver shark Gonoproktopterus curmuca (Cyprinidae : Hamilton-Buchanan 1807). International Journal of Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture. 4(4): 156-160
- Bindu. L, S.Salini, M.Vidya Moni, P.S. Manu and K.G.Padmakumar. 2009. Breeding and Embryonic Development in the Indian catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). Fishing Chimes. 29(1):188-191
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu and P.S. Manu. 2008. Aquaculture for food security. Kerala Calling. 28(3): 32-34
- Padmakumar K.G., L. Bindu, Nitta Joseph, B.Sreekumar, G.Sunil, N.Unnikrishnan and J.Sabu Kurien, 2006. River Fish Inventory Under Participatory Approaches: ‘Meenachil Fish Count 2004’. Environment and Ecology, 24S(3):584 – 590.
Details on Books/Edited Collections:
- Arya P. and Bindu L. 2022. Occurrence of Pedunculate Barnacles, Octolasmis angulata and Octolasmis warwickii in Marine Edible Crabs from the South West Coast of Kerala. Taxonomy and Bioecology of Invertebrates . pp 65-75 (Eds. G Prasad & Merin Elizabeth George ). Proceedings of INVERTAXA 2022 National Webinar on Recent Advances in Taxonomy and Bioecology of Invertebrates. Department of Zoology. University of Kerala. ISBN: 978-93-5636-854-5
- Linsha.R, Sreelekshmi.G, Amina.S, and Bindu L. 2014. Early development and larval rearing of the exotic ornamental fish Carrassius auratus. In Marine and Coastal Biodiversity. (Ed.Koshy PM., Biju. A., Sreejai R.) APH Publication Corporation. New Delhi. (ISBN 978-93-313-2566-2). pp.273-277.
- K. G. Padmakumar and L.Bindu. 2014. Scareline fishing for Pearlspot in Vembanad lake. In Marine and Coastal Biodiversity. (Ed.Koshy PM., Biju. A., Sreejai R.) APH Publication Corporation. New Delhi. (ISBN 978-93-313-2566-2). pp.114-118.
- Bindu.L, Mekha S.Bhadran and Binsy M.Kesavan. 2013. Effect of salinity and Temperature on the distribution of pedunculate barnacles in Mud crabs. Proceedings of National Seminar on Water Resource Management: Present Uses , Status, Conservation and Co-operation on 20th-22nd March 2013 at Department of Zoology, Bishop Moore College, Mavelikkara. Pp 170-177
- Karimeen -Prathyulpadana jeevasasthravum kulangalile vithulpadanavum. 2012. In: Karimeen oru Kaippusthakam. Department of Fisheries. Govt. of Kerala. pp 17-21
- Padmakumar K.G., A.Gopalakrishnan, L. Bindu and P.S.Manu. 2008. Spot Your Fish. Fish identification manual. Kerala State Biodiversity Board. (Monograph)
- Bindu.L and K.G.Padmakumar. 2008. Hatchery seed production protocols for conservation of endangered catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma(Gunther), endemic to Western Ghats, India. In Proc. 20th Kerala Science Congress.28-31 January 2008, Thiruvananthapuram. India. pp6-8
- Bindu. L. and P.Natarajan. 2005. Infestations of Octolasmis spp. On the Mud crab, Scylla serrata . Proc. of the National Seminar on Environment- Problems and Prospects . pp 198-206. P.S.Tharadevi& B.Vasanthakumari (Eds.). Sri Ayyappa Research Forum. Sri Ayyappa College for Women. Nagercoil. 211p
- Padmakumar K.G., A.Kishnan, L. Bindu, P.S Sreerekha and Nitta Joseph. 2004. Captive breeding for conservation of endemic fishes of Western Ghats, India. NATP, Kerala Agricultural University, India, 79p (Monograph)
- Padmakumar K.G., Anuradha Krishnan, Shilja Joetreson, Martin Reynold and L Bindu 2004. Potentials of Open Water Fish culture in Net Cages in Vembenad lake, Kerala. Proc. of 3rd Indian Environmental Congress 2004. Babu Ambat(ed.) pp 155-165.
- ‘Karimeenukalkkoru pillathottil’, Karshakan, June 2006
- ‘Koodinullile karimeen krishi’, Karshakan, July 2006
- ‘Valarthan naadan Meenukalum’, Karshakan, July 2005
List of Paper Presentations:
- 8th Asian Fisheries Forum. November 20-23, 2007 Kochi, India
- 20th Kerala Science Congress.28-31 January 2008, Thiruvananthapuram.
- National Seminar on Water Resource Management: Present Uses , Status, Conservation and Co-operation on 20th-22nd March 2013 at Department of Zoology, Bishop Moore College, Mavelikkara.
- National Seminar on “Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Its Conservation for Future Generations” Organised by P.G & Research Department of Zoology, St. Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram on 22 & 23 rd September 2014.
- National Seminar on ‘Biodiversity conservation and farming systems for wetland ecology’. 22-23 February 2017. Kerala Agricultural University.
- International seminar ‘Rivers 2020’. Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. February 2020
Details of Major/Minor Projects (if any):
- UGC Minor Researcch Project “Women empowerment through backyard ornamental fish culture in the Thazhathangady colony, Kayamkulam” MRP(S)-1397/11-12/KLKE011/UGC-SWRO dt.10.7.2012 Amoount : 1.5 lakh (Principal Investigator)
- KSCSTE Project “ Popularizing Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culturing Technologies for Entrepreneurship Development” SPC/15/2018/KSCSTE dt. 17.05.2018 Amount : 2.9 lakh (Principal Investigator)
- KSCSTE Project “Seasonal diversity of fishes and economics of fisheries in Kayamkulam backwater” No.4005/2015/KSCSTE dt.18.8.2015 Amount : 12.03 lakh (Co-PI)

Dr. Deepthi G. Nair
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Entomology
Contact Number: 8129533309
Residential Address: Deepasree House, Vazhappally west P O, Changanacherry, Kottayam
Email: deepthideepasree@gmail.com
Official Email: deepthign@msmcollege.in
Academic Qualification: MSc, Mphil, PhD
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 13 years 6 months
Research Experience:7 years
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level:
- Convenor Criteria IV of NAAC
- Converor of Environment activity club at MSM College
- Core committee member for the conduct of college level completions in Literature and arts
Seminar / Conference attended:
- National seminar on Future India: Science and technology Advances in Integrated Scientific Research 15-16 January 2019 at MSM College.
- National seminar on intellectual property rights on 28th January 2019 at MSM College Kayamkulam.
- National seminar on problems and prospects of wetland and conservation with special reference to Wetlands of Kerala organized by Post graduate and Research Department of Zoology, NSS College, Pandalam on February 2018.
- UGC sponsored refresher course in environmental sciences at UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala from 02/12/2022 to 15/12/2022.
- Short term Course in online education in Higher Education Institutions. Faculty development Centre of Kerala state higher education council(KSHEC) 1 week (13/07/2020-17/07/2020).
- Online course on Research and publication ethics at St. Thomas College Thrissur during 12.08.2020 to 05.10.2020.
- Short term Course in faculty development programme in science (philosophy of science) Faculty training centre, the Kerala state higher education council(KSHEC) 1 Week ( 29/08/2019 – 02/09/2019)
- UGC Sponsored Refresher course in Life sciences at UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut from 18/10/2019 to 31/10/2019.
- Workshop on Post flood sustainable rebuilding solutions for Kerala at Tropical institute of Ecological Science Kottayam during 8-9 March 2019
- National level workshop(2days) n research methodology, Academic writing and skill for researchers organized by Sree Narayana College Cherthala on march 2019.
- Workshop (2 day) on Faculty Development Programme on Effective course delivery using MOODLE Organized by MSM College Kayamkulam n September 2019
- National level workshop (3 days) on Statistical design of experiments for basic science research organized by Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial college, Kottayam on December 2018.
- National workshop on Marine Zooplankton identification organized by Dept. of Zoology, Government college, Kottayam on January 2017.
Training Courses attended: Refresher course and orientation course
Details on Journal Publications – UGC CARE/Scopus/Web of Science Indexed journals- International / National: 4 research article at Web of science indexed journal
Details on Journal Publications – UGC CARE/Scopus/Web of Science Indexed journals: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O22b5kbJzZz-uDarBsRL4kinnRGsI6-u
Other Peer Reviewed Journals: One article published in national journal
Details on Books/Edited Collections:Chapters in Books: 1, Publications in Conference Proceedings: 3
List of Paper Presentation:
- Presented a paper on the title Species composition of mosquitoes of forest fringe areas of Kerala at International seminar on Faunal diversity/climate change/Global warming/Human interference organised by Sir Syed college, Thaliparamba on 10th to 12th March 2022.
- Presented a paper on the title Mosquito fauna in the rubber plantation sectors of Kerala at International conference on Advanced biology 2022 organised by interuniversity centre for evolutionary and integrative biology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Presented a paper on the title predatory potential of Platynectes sahyadriensis and Toxorhynchites splendens on Aedes albopictus larvae breeding in rubber plantations of Kerala at International conference held at MES Mampad college from 20th to 31th January 2020.
- Presented a paper on the title Ecology of dengue vector Aedes albopictus in the rubber plantation areas of a village in Palakkad district, Kerala at International conference on Vectors- Menace and management held at St. Xaviers college, Palayamkottai, Thrirunelveli on 28th and 29th January 2020.
- Presented a paper on the title Species diversity and larval habitats of mosquitoes in the nearby areas of MSM College, Kayamkulam at international conference on innovations and sustainable research in Environment and Life sciences held at FMMN Kollam on August 2018
International Journal Publications: International journal of mosquito research 2019 and 2020
Details on Journal Publications:
- Nair, D. G., Aravind, N. P., & Varghese, A. (2022). “Mosquito fauna in the urban and rural areas of rubber plantation sectors of Kerala.” International Journal of Mosquito Research, 9(6), 15-21.
- Nair, D. G., Aravind, N. P., & Varghese, A. (2022). “Entomological risk factors for the high incidence of dengue in the forest fringe areas of Kerala, India.” International Journal of Mosquito Research, 9(1), 24-31.
- Nair, D. G., & Aravind, N. P. (2020). “Association between rainfall and the prevalence of clinical cases of dengue in Thiruvananthapuram district, India.” International Journal of Mosquito Research, 7(6), 46-50.
- Nair, D. G., & Gayathri, V. M. (2020). “Ecology of dengue vector Aedes albopictus in the rubber plantation areas of a village in Palakkad district, Kerala.” International Journal of Mosquito Research, 7(1), 4-7.
Other Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Nair, D. G., & Akhil, A. (2019). “Entomological Surveillance of Dengue Vector Aedes albopictus in a Village of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala.” Science Chronicle – A peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science journal, ISSN: 2319-6955, 8(1&2), 55-61.
Details of Book/Edited Collections:
- Immunology and Microbiology (Core course Zoology) for BSc students, Manjusha Publications, 2017.
Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops Organized:
- Webinar on mosquito-borne diseases in Kerala: an update on August 2020.
Training Courses Attended:
- UGC sponsored refresher course in environmental sciences at UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala from 02/12/2022 to 15/12/2022.
- Short-term Course in online education in Higher Education Institutions, Faculty Development Centre of Kerala state higher education council (KSHEC), 1 week (13/07/2020-17/07/2020).
- Online course on Research and publication ethics at St. Thomas College Thrissur during 12.08.2020 to 05.10.2020.
- Short-term Course in faculty development programme in science (philosophy of science), Faculty Training Centre, the Kerala state higher education council (KSHEC), 1 Week (29/08/2019 – 02/09/2019).
- UGC Sponsored Refresher course in Life sciences at UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut from 18/10/2019 to 31/10/2019.
- Workshop on Post flood sustainable rebuilding solutions for Kerala at Tropical Institute of Ecological Science Kottayam during 8-9 March 2019.
- National level workshop (2 days) on research methodology, Academic writing and skill for researchers organized by Sree Narayana College Cherthala on March 2019.
- Workshop (2 days) on Faculty Development Programme on Effective course delivery using MOODLE organized by MSM College Kayamkulam in September 2019.
- National level workshop (3 days) on Statistical design of experiments for basic science research organized by Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College, Kottayam on December 2018.
- National workshop on Marine Zooplankton identification organized by Dept. of Zoology, Government College, Kottayam on January 2017.

Dr. Latha C
Designation: Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Environmental Sciences, Bioremediation, Biomonitoring, Macroinvertebrate Taxonomy
Contact Number: 9446168048
Residential Address: House No.C-14B, Nila Nagar, Kazhakuttam, Thiruvananthapuram (Dist), 695582
Email: latha@msmcollege.in
Official Email: lathacmsm@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 13 Years and 9 months
Research Experience:20 years
Academic Positions at University Level:
- Research guide
- Member of FYUGP- syllabus revision committee.
- Chairman of MSc valuation board
- Member of MSc pass board
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at University or State Level:
- Nodal officer of CCC (KKEM)
- QP setterof KPSC for two times
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level:
- Nodel officer of CCC
- Professional Mentor of KKEM ( Kerala Knowledge Economy mission)
- Co-convenor of Women’s club
- Co-convenor of ED club
- Convenor of FYUGP Department level
- Co convenor of NAAC criteria V.
Academic Positions
- QP Setter of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Lectureship Exam in 2016.
- QP Setter of PG & UG Internal Examinations
- QP Setter of Autonomous Colleges like Mar Ivanious College Thiruvananthapuram and Fathima Matha College Kollam.
- Preparation of Answer Keys for PG and UG of Kerala University, Mar Ivanious College Thiruvananthapuram and Fathima Matha College Kollam.
Training Courses attended: Yes ( 1 OC, 3 RC and 2 STC )
Seminar / Conference attended
- International conference on Advanced Innovation in Science Engineering and Technology (ICAISET-2019) organized by Sree Aiyappa College, Eramallikara, Alappuzha Dist.
- National Seminar on Environmental Status of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems in India (ECEI) at the department of Environment sciences, university of Kerala, Kariavattom in March 2019.
- International Conference on ‘Innovations and Sustainable Research in Environment and Life Sciences. Organized by Fathima Matha College on 7-14 August 2018.
- National Seminar on Recent trends in biomedical Science and Informatics(INFOFEST-2018) Organized by Sree Aiyappa College, Chenganoor, Kerala from27-28April.
- National Seminar on “Emerging challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology”(ECBCRTET- 2018) organized by M. S. M. College Kayamkuam, Kerala from 26-27 February.
- International seminar on ‘Coastal Biodiversity Assessment’ Jan 5-7(COBIA-2017) Mar Gregorios College, Kottarakara ., D-03; 164-171.
- International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and ManagementI’ –Biocam, held from 3-6th February 2008, at Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin Kerala.
- National Seminar on ‘Recent Innovations and current trends in biological sciences (RICTBS)’.Feb 8-10. Bishopmoor College, Mavelikara, Kerala.
Social Media Links https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-latha-c-8309ab89?utm_source=share&utm_ campaign=share_via&utm_ content=profile&utm_ medium=android_app
Details on Journal Publications
- Neena Narayanan and Latha C. 2024. Evaluating The Seasonal Diversity, Habitat Preference And Assemblages of Water Birds In Agroecosystem at Central Kerala. Journal of Advanced Zoology; Volume 45 Issue 3Year 2024.,pp. 522-566. ISSN: 0253-7214. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53555/ jaz.v45i3.4369
- Latha C. 2023. Environmental Risk of Heavy Metals in the Southern coast of Kerala, India. Journal of Chemical Health Risks., www.jchr.org., Nov(2023)13(4s), 299-317, ISSN:2251-6727.https://jchr.org/index.php/ JCHR/article/view/983/841
- Neena Narayanan and Latha C. 2023. Decreasing Waterbird Assemblages in Ulavaipu Mangroves due to Conservation Problems. Research Journal of Agriculture Sciences., Volume 14; Issue 03(May-June 2023); pp 676-682. ISSN: 0976-1675(P), ISSN: 2249-4538(E) https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/371935446
- Latha C. 2023. Biocontrol Efficiency of Siderophore Produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens against Phytopathogenic Fungi. Research Journal of Agriculture Sciences. Volume 14; Issue 03(May-June 2023); pp 720-725. ISSN: 0976-1675(P), ISSN: 2249-4538(E) https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/371935446
- Latha C. 2023. Comparison of proximate and mineral analyais of Pila scutata (Mousson,1848) with Sardinella longiceps and Rastrelliger kanagurta. Eur. Chem. Bull. May 2023, 12(Special Issue 5), 1-11. https://eurchembull.com/ search
List of Paper Presentations:
- Latha C. 2021. Effect of Vermiwash on germination and growth of chilly seeds Capsicum annuum L.
- Interdisciplinary International Symposium, on Energy, Environment, Health and Visual Communication(INFOFEST 2021). Sree Aiyappa College, Eramallikara, Kerala.
International Journal Publications
- Mumthas Yahiya and Latha C. 2019. Macrobenthic Invertebrate Assemblages along the Ayiramthengu Mangroves, West coast of India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR) June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2.,E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138)
- Latha C, S. Amina and Nisha Viswan. 2013. Published a paper on “Population dynamics and macroinvertebrate diversity of a pond” in an International Journal of Science Chronicle. In the issue of (Vol. 2, No.1, April ).
- Amina S., R. Sivakami, Latha C. 2012. Published a paper on “Seasonal distribution of chlorophyceae in Kayamkulam Back water” in an International journal of Institutional pharmacy and life sciences, May –June 2(3) 7-16 (ISSN): 2249-6807., www.ijipls.com
- Latha. C. and V.S. G. Thanga . 2010. .Published a paper on “Choice of bioindicator species for estuaries of South Kerala: an approach based on macroinvertebrate” in Journal of The Ecoscan, An International Quarterly Journal of Environmental Sciences., Vol. 4 (4): 257-262,
- Latha.C and V.S.G.Thanga.2009. Presented the paper on “Macroinvertebrate Diversity: A Tool for Biomonitoring selected reaches of Kallar, a Tropical Mountain Stream in South Kerala, India.” in a conference of ‘Mountains of the World’ Ecology, Conservation and Sustainable development held in Muscat, Sulthanate of Oman on 10-14 February 2008 and Published in proceedings on 2009.
National Journal Publications
- Latha. C. and V.S. G. Thanga. 2010. Macroinvertebrate diversity of Veli and Kadinamkulam Lakes, South Kerala, India” in Journel of Environmental Biology in Vol. 31: 2010-July.
- Latha.C and V. S.G. Thanga.2008. Presented the paper on “Diversity and distribution of Benthic invertebrates in Veli and Kadinamkulam Estuary, South Kerala, India, in The ‘International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Management’ Biocam, held from 3-6th February 2008, at Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin Kerala.
Book Chapter Publications
- Impact of Pollution on Macrobenthic diversity In Mangroves. Published a chapter in the book, Marine Debris Problems and Management published by Chintha Publishers, Thiruvananthapuram, Ed. January 2021,pp 105-110. ISBN 978-93-90301-15-7)
- Impact of Pollution on Macrobenthic diversity In Mangroves. Published a chapter in the book, Marine Debris: Problems and Management published by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Thiruvananthapuram, Ed. January 2020 Pp.121-128. ISBN 978-81-930193-4-4)
- Growth enhancement of pea plant (Pisum sativum) using seaweed extract an organic fertilizer. Published a chapter in the book, Recent trends in biomedical science and informatics(RTBSI-2018) by GRENZE Scientific Society Pp. 165-170. ISBN:978- 81- 936117-3-9
- Seaweed extract an alternative to chemical pesticide for leaf disease in pea plant (Pisum sativum). Published a chapter in the book, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and its conservation for future generations / Neena Suzzan Joshua, APH Publishing Corporation. ISBN- 978-93-313-2566-2.
International Conference Publications
- Prakash Williams and Latha C.2019. Isolation and characterization of Uropathogens from hospital environments and their control using medicinal plants. Presented in International conference on Advanced Innovation in Science Engineering and Technology (ICAISET-2019) organized by Sree Aiyappa College, Chenganoor, Kerala held on November8-9, 2019.
- Latha C., Y. Mumthas, M S. Diviya. 2018. Macrofaunal diversity along Ayiramthengu mangroves. Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Innovations and Sustainable Research in Environment and Life Sciences. Organized by Fathima Matha College on 7-14 August 2018. ISBN – 978-81-89152-06-2.
- Latha C.2017. Diversity and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Veli and Kadinamkulam Estuary of South Kerala, India. Proceedings of the International seminar on ‘Coastal Biodiversity Assessment’ Jan 5-7(COBIA-2017) Mar Gregorios College, Kottarakara., D-03; 164-171.
National Conference Publications
- Latha C and Prakash Williams. 2018. Growth enhancement of pea plant (Pisum sativum) using seaweed extract an organic fertilizer. National Seminar on ‘Recent trends in biomedical science and informatics(INFOFEST-2018) Organized by Sree Aiyappa College, Chenganoor,Kerala from 27-28April.
- Prakash Williams, S. M. Jeena, D. Aradhana, Latha C. 2019. Isolation and characterisation of heavy metal resistant fungi from industrial sites of Chavara, Kollam. National Seminar on Environmental Status of Estuarine and coastal ecosystems in India (ECEI) at the department of Environment sciences, university of Kerala, Kariavattom in March 2019. (ISBN – 978-93-5346-926-9) 151-52.
- Latha C and Prakash Williams. 2018. Macrobenthic diversity: a tool for biomonitoring in selected reaches of Sasthamcotta lake, a hotspot area. National Seminar on “Emerging challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology”(ECBCRTET- 2018) organized by M. S. M. College Kayamkulam, Kerala from 26-27 February. (ISBN -978-93-5291-469-2 ) 39-48
- Latha C. 2017. Sea weed extract an alternative to chemical pesticide for leaf disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). National Seminar on ‘Recent Innovations and current trends in biological sciences (RICTBS)’.Feb 8-10. Bishopmoor College, Mavelikara, Kerala.
Workshops Attended
- National Training Program on Microbial Technology, held on April 04 to 07, 2017, at Planktonology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Rajakamamgalam, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu.
- One Week training program on ”Molecular Biology and Animal Cell Culture” from April 8th to 12th 2019 on Athmic Biotech solutions Pvt Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram.
Other Relevant information
- PG DLMC Convener
- Co-Convener of Science Club (2012-2014)
- Member of Film and Media Club (2014-15)
- Member of Biodiversity club
- Member of Women’s Club
- Member of Discipline committee
- Member of Literature and Arts Club
- Member of Escort of Cultural Team of University Youth Festival
- Member of Seminars and workshops conducted in the Department

Dr. Deepa R Pillai
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Taxonomy of Echinoderms, Conservation biology, Sustainable development
Contact Number: 9495120465
Residential Address: Raj Bhavan, Kudassanad PO, Kudassanad
Email: deepakudassanad@gmail.com
Official Email: dr.deeparajeshmsm@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: MSc. Zoology, Ph.D
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 14 years
Research Experience:8 years
Details of Major or Minor Projects
- Principal Investigator, UGC Minor project titled Taxonomy, diversity and ecology of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) along Kerala coast, 2013. Sanctioned amount- 120000.00 Council order no. MRP(S)-1396/11-12/KLKE011/UGC-SWRO dt.10.7.2012
Administrative / Official Responsibilities: College level Scholar Support programme (SSP) Co-ordinator 2015-2019
Seminar / Conference organized
- Coordinator Wetland day Seminar-“Wetlands for Sustainable Livelihood and disaster risk reduction” organized by PG Department of Zoology, M.S.M College, Kayamkulam on 1st and 2nd February 2017 in Connection with World Wetland Day Sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Thiruvananthapuram in association with Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Cochin Chapter.
Training Courses attended
- UGC- Sponsored Orientation Programme (IT- Oriented) conducted by the UGC- Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram,from 14.06.2012 to 11.07.2012.
- Refresher course in Environmental Science conducted by UGC HRDC, Thiruvananthapuram from 05.01.2016 -25.01.2016
- Refresher course in Women studies and Women Empowerment conducted by UGC HRDC, Thiruvananthapuram (online mode) from 02.12.2020 -15.12.2020
- Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Online Education in Higher Education Institutions conducted by the Faculty Development Centre of the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Thiruvananthapuram on online mode from 13th to 17th July 2020
- National Level Short term course on E-content development organized by IQAC MSM College in collaboration with UGC HRDC, Thiruvananthapuram in online mode from24.09.2020 -30.09.2020
- Short Term Course on Soft skill development programme conducted by UGC HRDC, Thiruvananthapuram (online mode) from 23.03.2021 -29.03.2021
Seminar / Conference attended
- International Seminar on ‘Fish taxonomy and aquaculture practices’ organized by PG and Research Department of Zoology, NSS Hindu College, Changanacherry (6th and 7th August 2019)
- International seminar on ‘Rivers for future’ (RFF 2020) organized by Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala (05-07 February 2020)
- International webinar on ‘ Conservation of life below water(COLIBA-2021) organized by Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala (18-20 March 2021)
- One week STTP on ‘Recent trends in Research Methodology (Online mode)’ organized by REST Society of Research International (RSRI), Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu ( 25.05.2020 – 29.05.2020)
- One week STTP on ‘Statistical Analysis in SPSS Software (Online mode)’ organized by REST Society of Research International (RSRI), Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu ( 01.06.2020 – 06.6.2020).
- National Seminar on ‘Future India: Science & Technology- Advances In Integrated Scientific Research’ conducted by The Indian Science Congress Association(ISCA) Cochin Chapter (15.01.2019-16.01.2019).
- National seminar on ‘Ornamental Fish Culture for Entrepreneurship Development’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) (12.2.2019-13.2.2019).
- National seminar on ‘Problems and prospects of wetland conservation with special reference to wetlands of Kerala,organized by PG & Research Department of Zoology, NSS College, pandalam from 06.2.2018-08.2.2018.
- 97th Indian Science congress held at University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram from 03.01.2010 to 07.01.2010.
- 22nd Kerala Science Congress held at Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi on 28.01.2010 to 31.01.2010.
- First Indian Biodiversity Congress Organised by CISSA & Kerala State Biodiversity Board, atThiruvananthapuram from 28-30 December 2010.
Social Media Links
Youtube channel link: https://youtube.com/channel/ UCZZDrTxfuGNCRaOcORkskBQ
International Journal Publications
- New records of sea cucumbers Holothuria (Semperothuria) imitans Ludwig and Stichopus hermanni Semper (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from southwestern coast of India. Journal of threatened taxa, 2010. 2(2): 712-715. ISSN 0974-7907 (online) | 0974-7893 (print).
- Four new records of ophiuroids (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata) from southwest coast of India. Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 2019. Vol. 7 | pp. 50 – 58, ISSN 2321–340X.
Details on Journal Publications – UGC CARE/Scopus/Web of Science Indexed journals- International / National:
- Sex-ratio and size distribution of the sand crab, Emerita (Order: Decapoda; Family: Hippidae) from Thrikkunnapuzha beach of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India.Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries | 2023 | 11(2) | pp. 6-9 ISSN 2321–340X
National Journal Publications
- New records of sea cucumbers Phyllophorus (Phyllothuria) cebuensis (Semper) and Trachasina crucifera (Semper)from the south-west coast of India ., Indian J. Fish., 2011. 58(4): 101-104. ISSN 09706011.
- Ecology of Holothurians (Phylum:Echinodermata) collected from Kerala Coast, Science Chronicle., 2013. Vol-2 No. 1 & 2 . 145-154. ISSN 2319- 6955
Book Chapter Publications
- Biodiversity of phylum echinodermata along the Kerala coast, India.Biodiversity and Taxonomy. Narendra publishing house. New Delhi. 2012.Pages 15-21. ISBN 9380428928.
- Habitat ecology of sea cucumbers from Thirumullavaram rocky shore, South Kerala, Marine & Coastal Diversity, APH Publishing co-operation, New Delhi.2015. Chapter 35, pp.284-289. ISBN. 978-93-313-2566-2
International Conference Publications
- DNA barcoding of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of the southwest coast of India. Genome, (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life conference at the University of Guelph held from August 18 – 21) 2015, Canada ; Vol. 58: p. 240.
National Conference Publications
- Taxonomy and Diversity of Echinoids (Phylum:Echinodermata) along Kerala Coast.
- Proceedings of the UGC Sponsored National Seminar On Emerging Trends in Biodiversity
- Conservation and Sustainable Management, 2011 Pages 123-127.
Workshops Attended
- International workshop ‘tangled bank’ organized by Indian National Young Academy of Sciences and Central University of Punjab (INYAS-CUPB) (Online mode)(31.5.2020 – 5.6.2020)
- International workshop on Marine Biodiversity: Survey, Monitoring and DNA barcoding methods organized by Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala in collaboration with Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, USA on November 29, 2016)
- National workshop on ‘biodiversity & Aquaponics’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) (20.3.2019-21.3.2019)
- National workshop on ‘Ornamental Fish Farming and Management’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) on June 28, 29 & 1st July 2019
- Workshop on ‘Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Documentation’ organized by Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala and sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment from 6.02.2018 to 8.02.2018
- National Workshop on ‘Marine Zooplankton Identification’, PG & Research Department of Zoology, St.Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram, Kerala, sponsored by Kerala State Biodiversity Board, India, March 27-28, 2014.
- Workshop on Taxonomists organised by Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Govt. of Kerala on 23-24 March 2007.
Other Publications
- Echinoderm biodiversity of Kerala: Inventory, distribution and ecology.
- Proceedings of 22nd Kerala Science congress, 28-31 January 2010, KFRI, Peechi, pp. 869-870.
Other Relevant information: Member of Science club, College level

Dr. Mumthaz P Hameed
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Environmental Biology
Contact Number: 9400524914
Residential Address: Darussalam (Ayyammathra), Chengalam south PO, Kottayam, Pin: 686022
Official Email: mumthazad@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: Ph.D, NET, B.Ed
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 13 years and 6 months
Research Experience:9 years
Academic Positions at University Level: Convenor: Science club
Criteria VII: Committee member
Personal responsibilities at the college level: Member secretary: ICC ( Internal Complaint Cell)
Grants/Awards/Accolades: FDP- from 2015 July 1 to 2018 June 30
Training Courses attended
- OC: from 14/6/2012 to 11/7/2012 (ASC, Trivandrum)
- RC: 1. from 28/11/2019 to 11/12/2019 (HRDC, Kannur)
- from 11/01/2020 to 24/01/2020 (ASC, Trivandrum)
- STC: 1. from 13/07/2020 to 17/07/2020 (Kerala State Higher Education Council)
- from 11/08/2021 to 17/08/2021 (ASC, Trivandrum)
- FDP: from 1-7-215 to 30-6-2018
Seminar / Conference attended
- National conference on Exercise Physiology, Human Performance and Wellbeing, December2010
- National conference on Aquaculture for Food Security, February, 2013
- One day seminar on Bioinformatics, December, 2013
- National Seminar on ‘Biodiversity conservation and farming systems for wetland ecology’. February 2017.
- National Seminar on ‘Emerging challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology (ECBCRTET, 2018). February 2018.
- Future India: Science and Technology: Advances in Integrated Scientific Research. January, 2019
National Journal Publications
- Length- Weight relationship of long whiskered catfish Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822) from Vembanad Lake, Kerala, India. Journal of Applied Zoological Researches. 2019. pp 17-22. Volume 30 (1):
National Conference Publications
- Length Weight relationship of Mystus gulio from Vembanad Lake. National Seminar on ‘Biodiversity conservation and farming systems for wetland ecology’. February 2017. (ISBN: 978-81-921673-7-4) . Pp 277-278.
- Gonado-somatic index (GSI) and Fecundity of Mystus gulio (Hamilton 1822) from Vembanad Wetlands, Kerala. National Seminar on ‘Emerging challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology (ECBCRTET, 2018). February 2018. (ISBN: 978-93-5291-469-2).Pp 462-465.
Other Relevant information: Mentor: walk with a scholar (college level)

Dr. Bindu V.S
Designation: Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Environmental DNA, Ecotoxicology, Biodiversity and Toxicology
Contact Number: 9495776667
Residential Address: Kulanjiyil Arunodayam, House No. 111, Orient Nagar, Pattathanam, Kollam.
Official Email: drvsbindu@gmail.com
Social Media Links
- ORC ID:https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-7747-1420
- Research gate link: https://www.researchgate.net/ profile/Bindu-Vijayakumari- Sudhakaran
- LinkedIn Link:https: //www.linkedin.com/ feed/?trk=onboarding- landing
- Web of Science:https: //www.webofscience.com/ wos/author/record/ AGY-1438-2022
- Scopus Id: https: //www.scopus.com/ freelookup/form/ author.uri
Academic Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 13 years 9 months
Research Experience:23 years
Guideship details :
- Name of Centre: FMNC Kollam
- Name of student: Irshad A
Academic Positions at University Level:
- Associate Professor
- Research guide ( Research Centre-FMNC- Kollam)
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at University or State Level:
- Chairman Semester 2 M.Sc 2023.
- Chairman New generation M.Sc 2nd Semester 2024
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level:
- Convenor, Biodiversity Club
- Convenor, Academic Management System (AMS)
- Executive Committee Member, PTA
- Convenor, K-DISC- Project of Department of Collegiate Education
- Tutor B.Sc Botany
Grants/Awards/Accolades: Junior Research Fellow (Zoology)- University of Kerala
Details on Journal Publications
- Bindu. V.S., & Suja, S. (2023). Ovarian Histological Analysis of Anabas testudineus as a Marker for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Freshwater Ecosystems. Toxicology International, 31(1), 93–99. https://doi.org/10. 18311/ti/2024/v31i1/ 35720
- Bindu. V.S., & Fathima, H. (2022). Socioeconomic Impact of Lockdown Associated to COVID-19 Pandemic on Shrimp and Prawn Processing Enterprise in Below Sea Level Location of Kuttanad, Kerala, India. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(6): 1667–1673. http://rjas.org/ViewIssue?IssueId=84
- Bindu. V.S. (2021) Histopathology of Brain and Spleen of Freshwater Teleost Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) Induced by Organochlorine Insecticide Endosulfan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2021; 9(10):879-884. doi: 10.12691/aees-9-10-5
- Bindu. V.S., & Shifana, B. (2023). The Impact of the 2018 Kerala Floods on Butterfly Diversity and Abundance in the Kollam District of India. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology, 44(4), 9–18.https://doi.org/10. 56557/upjoz/2023/ v44i43426
- Bindu V.S and Sreeja. S (2024). Impact Of Acute Chlorpyrifos Toxicity On The Histology And Biochemistry Of The Stomach, Intestine, And Muscle Of The Anabas Testudineus. Poll Res. 43 (1) : 56-65 (2024)
- Bindu.V.S (2014)a. Effect of organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos and lead nitrate on haematological parameters of the fish Anabas testudineus. J.Ecotoxicol.Environ.Monit. 24(2) 59-63.
- Bindu.V.S (2014)b. Effect of organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos on histopathology of the fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. J.Ecotoxicol.Environ.Monit. 24(2) 73-77
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2009). Acute toxicity Behavioural changes and Haemopoetic alterations induced by endosulfan on fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Poll Res 28 (1): 53-58
- Bindu.V.S and Amina.S (2013). Effect of Mercuric chloride on toxicity and behaviour of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. J.Ecotoxicol.Environ.Monit. 23(2) 129-133.
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2009). Effect of Organochlorine pesticide Endosulfan on Blood plasma of Fresh water Teleost, Anabas testudineus. Asian J. Environ Sci. 4 (1): 1-4
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2009). Genotoxicity Evaluation of Acute Doses of Endosulfan to Fresh water Teleost Anabas testudineus by Cytokinesis Block Micro Nuclei Technique. Asian J of Animal Sci. 4(1): 10-13
- Bindu. V.S. (2021) Histopathological Changes in the Testis of Freshwater Teleost Anabas testudineus Exposed to Endosulfan. Journal of Xidian University. 16:93-98
Seminar / Conference organized
- National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Recent Trends in Ecotoxicology (ECBCRTET) 2018. Sponsored by KSCSTE and Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
Training Courses attended
- IT OC from 27/07/2012 to 23/08/2012, (University of Kerala
- Life sciences RC from 02/07/2014 to 22/07/2014,(University of Kerala)
- Life sciences RC from 16/07/2019 to 29/07/2019(Bharathidasan University),
- Life sciences and Biotechnology RC from 19/08/2019 to 30/08/2019 (JNU),
- FDP in co- creating MOOCS from 20/04/2020 to 06/05/2020 (University of Delhi),
- FDP in MOODLE LMS from 26/05/2020 to 31/05/2020 (IIT Bombay)
Seminar / Conference attended
- 99 th Indian science Congress, Orissa from 3 to 7 January 2012
- National conference on Exercise Physiology, Human Performance and
- Wellbeing( MSM College) 21th and 22 nd December 2010
- National seminar on Biotechnology vs Biodiversity challenges and options (SN College, Kollam) 21st and 22nd November 2012
- National seminar science and technology advances in integrated scientific research (MSM College) 15 th and 16th Jan 2019
National Journal Publications
- Effect of organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos and lead nitrate on haematological parameters of fish Anabas testudineus J.Ecotoxicol.Environ.Monit 2014(a) 59-63.24(2)
- Effect of organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos on histopathology of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. J.Ecotoxicol.Environ.Monit. 2014(b) 73-77 24(2)
- Effect of Mercuric chloride toxicity and behaviour of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus.J.Ecotoxicol. Environ.Monit 2013.129- 133.23(2)
Details on Books/Edited Collections:
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Toxicity of Lead Nitrate on biochemical parameters of fresh water teleost Anabas testudneus, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-196-200
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Effect of Mercuric chloride on histopathology of fresh water fish Anabas testudneus, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-248-254
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Histopathological investigation of primary reproductive organs of Anabas testudneusexposed to endosulfan, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-466-470
- Bindu. V.S. (2017) Histopathology of brain of freshwater teleost Anabas testudineus Induced by Organochlorine Insecticide Endosulfan. Paper presented on the National Seminar on Biodiversity – A convservational approach. University College, Thiruvananthapuram
- Bindu. V.S (2015). Histopathological investigation of endosulfan toxicity on freshwater teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of solid waste management: Emerging trends and challanges 119-123
- Bindu. V.S. (2014). Effect of Organochlorine pesticide Endosulfan on histopathology with reference to teleost Anabas testudineus. Marine Ecotoxicology Workshop in 6th Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan held at Palermo,Italy from 17th to 21st November,2014
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2009). Histopathology of brain and spleen of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus exposed to endosulfan. Proceedings of 21th Kerala Science Congress, C Kesavan Memorial Town Hall, Kollam. 656-658.
- Bindu. V.S (2012). Toxico-pathological investigation of endosulfan on pesicicidal activity of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of National seminar on Biodiversity vs Bioconservation challenges and options. S.N.College, Kollam.
- Bindu.V.S (2012). Histopathology induced by organochlorine insecticide endosulfan on fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 99th Indian Science Congress. Animal, Veterinary and fishery sciences. Bhubaneswar.
- Bindu.V.S, Amina.S and Somanathan Pillai.G (2012). Toxicity of mercuric chloride on behaviour and survival of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 99th Indian Science Congress. Environmental sciences. Bhubaneswar.
- Bindu.V.S. (2012) Endosulfan toxicity on behaviour and survival of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of International fisheries symposium-IFS 196-199.
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2006). Effect of endosulfan toxicity on the Behaviour, Haematology, Biochemistry and Histology of Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 18th Kerala Science Congress, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2008). Histopathology of liver, spleen and kidney tissues of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus exposed to sub lethal concentration of endosulfan. Abstracts of 18th Swadesi Science Congress, RGCB, Thiruvananthapuram. 14.
Other Publications:
- 2023- Regional Language Popular article- Medicine / Physiology Nobel sammanavum chila chinthakalum- Sea View magazine- 2024.
Paper Presentations:
- Invited lecture on “Environmental pollution” on 06/03/2017- Biospectrum 2017 Organised by SN College, Kollam
- Invited lecture on “Management of wetland ecosystem and Biodiversity conservation in post flood scenario” on 08/02/2019- World wet land day 2019 – seminar on wetlands, climate change and future security, organised by PG & research Department of Zoology and Nature club, SN College, Kollam
Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized:
- Organised “ECBCRTET”National seminar on Emerging Challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology sponsored by Kerala Biodiversity Board and cosponsored by KSCSTE (2018)
- Organized Seminar Rabies: A Still Prevalent Life Threatening Zoonotic Disease on 20/03/2021
Seminars/Conferences attended:
- The online seminar Biodiversity of Western Ghats” ”organised by SreeNarayana College, Kollam as part of AGORA-2021 on 18-04-2021
- Participated in the seminar Exotic and invasive fishes in the freshwaters of Kerala” organized by, PG Department of Zoology & IQAC, Milad-E-Sherief Memorial College, Kayamkulam under the Science Popularization Programme (KSCSTE) on 31st October 2020
- Two day National Seminar and hands-on Training one-learning: Future of higher Education, the role of moodle as an LMS organized by the Department of Zoology, Chavara,Kollam and sponsored by Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala held on 30-31 January 2020
- The webinar series on, Insight into Emerging diseases- Diagnosis and Therapeautics organized by PG and Research Department of Zoology, Lady Duke College, Madurai Tamil Nadu from 18/05/2020 to 01/06/2020
- Actively participated in the webinar entitled “Biotrack-Industry ready Bio Technology professional organized by Department of Bio Technology, KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu (Dt), Tamil Nadu on 13/05/2020
- International webinar organized by Sir Syed College, Taliparamba(Affiliated to Kannur University) on DOCTRINA 02 – Corona Virus and our future on 18-19 /05/2020
- Participated two day National webinar on contemporary issues in Teaching and Extension during Covid 19 pandemic organized by College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mhow, NethajiDeshhmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur from 30 to 31 May 2020
- World Environment Day 2020- Webinar on biodiversity and its conservation organized by PG and Research Department of Zoology, KhadirMohideen College, Adirampattinam on 05/06/2020
- International webinar on Business skills Development in Life Science- organized by Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi on 27/05/2020
- National webinar on Taxonomical tools in life science organized by Department of Zoology, All Saints College 13th August 2020
- Organised “ECBCRTET”National seminar on Emerging Challenges in biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in ecotoxicology sponsored by Kerala Biodiversity Board and cosponsored by KSCSTE (2018)
- National seminar on “Advances in integrated scientific Research” organized by ISCA Kochin chapter organized by MSM College (2019)
- Workshop on Tools and Techniques of Biotechnology, Government Women’s college, Thiruvananthapuram (2017)
- National Seminar on Biodiversity – A convservational approach. University College, Thiruvananthapuram (2017)
- National Seminar on Solid Waste management : Emerging trends and Challanges. St. Stephens College (2015)
- 99th Indian Science Congress. Heldd KIIT Univeraity, Bhubaneswar, Orissa (2012).
- National seminar on Biodiversity vs Bioconservation challenges and options. S.N.College, Kollam (2012).
- 97th Indian science congress, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram. (2010)
- 21th Kerala Science Congress, C Kesavan Memorial Town Hall, Kollam. 656-658 (2009).
- 18th Swadesi Science Congress, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram. (2008)
- 18th Kerala Science Congress, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram (2006)
- National Seminar on Biochemistry, Mannam Memorial NSS College , Kottiyam (2004)
- National Seminar on Reproductive biology and mutational breeding, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram (2004)
- Seminar on DNA- A tool for diagnosis of human and plant diseases, University college, State committee on Science, technology and environment, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (2004)
Workshops/Training Sessions attended:
- Orientation Course (IT oriented)- Academic Staff College, University of Kerala- 4 Weeks (27/07/2012 – 23/08/2012)
- Refresher Course in Life Sciences- Interdisciplinary(Zoology)- )- Academic Staff College, University of Kerala- 3 Weeks ( 02/07/2014 – 22/07/2014)
- Refresher Course in Life Sciences (Interdisciplinary) – HRDC, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 2 Weeks ( 16/07/2019 – 29/07/2019)
- Refresher Course in Life Sciences and Biotechnology- HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru University- 2 Weeks (17.11.2021 to 30.11.2021)
- Faculty Development Programme on “Managing Online Classes & Co- creating MOOCS” – Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of Ministry Of Education PanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers And Teaching – 2 Week (20/04/2020 -06/05/2020)
- MOODLE LMS Faculty Development Programme – The Department of English, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women (Autonomous) in Association with Spoken-Tutorial, IIT Bombay – 1 week(26-05-2020 to 31-05-2020)
- The online course on OMIC’s of Corona Virus and Natural remedies held by KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu (Dt), Tamil Nadu during 8-13 April 2020. Qualified in an online examination and secured A+ grade
List of Paper Presentations:
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Toxicity of Lead Nitrate on biochemical parameters of fresh water teleost Anabas testudneus, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-196-200
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Effect of Mercuric chloride on histopathology of fresh water fish Anabas testudneus, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-248-254
- Bindu. V.S. (2018) Histopathological investigation of primary reproductive organs of Anabas testudneusexposed to endosulfan, Proceeding ECBCRTET. Pp-466-470
- Bindu. V.S. (2017) Histopathology of brain of freshwater teleost Anabas testudineus Induced by Organochlorine Insecticide Endosulfan. Paper presented on the National Seminar on Biodiversity – A convservational approach. University College, Thiruvananthapuram
- Bindu. V.S (2015). Histopathological investigation of endosulfan toxicity on freshwater teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of solid waste management: Emerging trends and challanges 119-123
- Bindu. V.S. (2014). Effect of Organochlorine pesticide Endosulfan on histopathology with reference to teleost Anabas testudineus. Marine Ecotoxicology Workshop in 6th Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan held at Palermo,Italy from 17th to 21st November,2014
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2009). Histopathology of brain and spleen of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus exposed to endosulfan. Proceedings of 21th Kerala Science Congress, C Kesavan Memorial Town Hall, Kollam. 656-658.
- Bindu. V.S (2012). Toxico-pathological investigation of endosulfan on pesicicidal activity of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of National seminar on Biodiversity vs Bioconservation challenges and options. S.N.College, Kollam.
- Bindu.V.S (2012). Histopathology induced by organochlorine insecticide endosulfan on fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 99th Indian Science Congress. Animal, Veterinary and fishery sciences. Bhubaneswar.
- Bindu.V.S, Amina.S and Somanathan Pillai.G (2012). Toxicity of mercuric chloride on behaviour and survival of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 99th Indian Science Congress. Environmental sciences. Bhubaneswar.
- Bindu.V.S. (2012) Endosulfan toxicity on behaviour and survival of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of International fisheries symposium-IFS 196-199.
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2006). Effect of endosulfan toxicity on the Behaviour, Haematology, Biochemistry and Histology of Anabas testudineus. Proceedings of 18th Kerala Science Congress, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Bindu V.S and Geetha P.R (2008). Histopathology of liver, spleen and kidney tissues of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus exposed to sub lethal concentration of endosulfan. Abstracts of 18th Swadesi Science Congress, RGCB, Thiruvananthapuram. 14.
Details of Major/Minor Projects (if any):
- UGC Minor Project Details Name of faculty:Dr. Bindu.V.S Project minor/major:Minor Project Name of agency:UGC(Order No. MRP(S)-1395/11-12/KLKE011/UGC-SWRO.dtd 17/01/13 Title of project : Toxicopathology induced by Mercuric chloride and Lead Nitrate on freshwater Teleost Anabas testudineus Amount sanctioned:1,20,000 Duration: 2years
- Description of project Heavy metals occur naturally in the environment and are found at varying levels in all ground and surface waters. Heavy metal pollution is one of the five major types of toxic pollutants commonly present in surface waters. The important environmental pollutants are those that tend to accumulate in organisms, those that are persistent because of their chemical stability or poor biodegradability and those that are readily soluble and therefore environmentally mobile, heavy metals possess all of these characteristics and are among the major contributors to the pollution of aquatic ecosystems. The present study was undertaken to determine the toxicity of Lead nitrate and Mercuric chloride on freshwater edible fish Anabas testudineus under laboratory conditions. The following aspects were envisaged in the present study 1. Toxicity studies 2. Hematological studies 3. Biochemical studies Toxicity studies were conducted to find out the median lethal tolerance limits of Lead nitrate and Mercuric chloride for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hr on Anabas testudineus. The upper and lower confidence limits were also calculated. The hematological and Biochemical studies were carried out using standard protocols.
Other Relevant Information: Currently supervising research on “Environmental Dna As A Tool For Biodiversity Monitoring In Ramsar Site, Ashtamudi Lake, Kollam, Kerala”.
Book Chapter Publications
- Eco-friendly Pesticides for sustainable food production, in line with emerging policy of state
- Agricultural Policy(SAP) of Kerala State
- The book was forwarded by Dr. Haly, former Director of Agriculture, Kerala State. 2014 ISBN-13978-81-926608-1-3
- Proceedings of National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Recent Trends in Ecotoxicology(ECBCRTET – 2018) ISBN:978-93-5291-469-2 by Editor in chief
International Conference Publications
- Endosulfan toxicity on behaviour and survival of freshwater teleost Ananas testudineus.
- Proceedings of International fisheries symposium-IFS (2012) 196- 199
National Conference Publications
- Toxicity of lead nitrate on biochemical parameters of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus.
- National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Recent Trends in Ecotoxicology 2018. 196 -200 ISBN:978-93-5291-469-2
- Effect of Mercuric chloride on histopathology of fresh water teleost Anabas testudineus.National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Recent Trends in Ecotoxicology 2018. 248-254 ISBN:978-93-5291-469-2
- Histopathological investigation of primary reproductive organs of Anabas testudineus, exposed to Endosulfan. National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Recent Trends in Ecotoxicology 2018.466-470 ISBN:978-93-5291-469-2
Workshops Attended
- Hands on training on e- learning: Future of higher education, The Role of Moodle as an LMS (BJM Government College, Chavara)30th and 31 st January 2020
- Tools and techniques in Biotechnology (Government College for Women) 14 th and 15th November 2017
Other Publications
- Effect of organochlorine pesticide Endosulfan on histopathology with special reference to teleost Anabas testudineus.
- Marine Ecotoxicology workshop in 6th Bilateral Seminar Italy – Japan held at Palermo Italy from 17 th to 21 November 2014
Other Relevant information
- Biodiversity club convenor, KDISC convenor,
- Zoology department NAAC co-ordinator
- Zoology department sports convenor 2012-2018
- Women’s club member
- Nature club member Functioned as scientific article reviewer of Indian Council of Agriculture journal (ICAR) Indian journal of fisheries.
Additional Resources
- Resource Person for Regional seminar series 2017(SN College, Kollam)
- Resource Person World Wetland day 2019( SN College, Kollam)

Dr. Sumesh C Panicker
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Aquatic Biology
Contact Number: 9847800354
Residential Address: Vathiyara, Thazhava P.O,Karunagappally, PIN 690523
Official Email: sumeshcpanicker@yahoo.in
Academic Qualification: Ph. D
Teaching Experience -UG (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 5 Years
Research Experience: 7 Years
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level: International examination convenor 2022-2023
Academic Positions: Subject Expert
Training Courses attended: FDP
Seminar / Conference attended: 2
National Journal Publications:
- Sediment Characteristics of the Thekkumbhagom Kayal of the Ashtamudi Estuary, Kerala, India.
- Seasonal Variation in Nutrient Concentration of Kandachira Kayal of the Ashtamudi Lake, Kerala.
- Distribution of Mangroves in the Ashtamudi Estuary.
- Impact of Titanium effluents on the community structure of zooplankton in the inshore waters of Lakshadweep sea at Vettukad, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Stake net Catch analysis of Ashtamudi Lake
Workshops Attended: 1

Mrs. Soumya Jalal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Developmental Biology and Zooplankton
Contact Number: 9497769020
Residential Address: Kizhavarathu Veedu, Nettiyadu, Edappallycota(p.o), chavara
Email: soumyazad21@gmail.com
Official Email: soumyazad21@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: NET, CSIR-JRF
Teaching Experience (As on from appointment date to till 31/03/2024): 3 years and 3 months
Research Experience: 7years
Details on Journal Publications
- Biju A, Honey Uk Pillai and Soumya Jalal. 2022.Current status of crustacean mysids in Lakshadweep waters of India. In faunal diversity of Lakshadweep, (published by Zoological survey of India)
- Soumya Jalal and Biju A. Seasonal diversity of zooplankton in the Ashtamudi lake -southwest coast of India. Eco. Env. &Cons. 29(July Special Issue on Int. Conf. on Climate change on Aquatic Life, 23-25,Nov., 2023)pp. S97-S101.
Seminar / Conference attended
- Participated in the Kuttanadu Arthropod Biodiversity Survey 2009 organised by the Kerala Agricultural University on 22nd and 23rd January.
- Participated and presented a paper in the NSBI’09 held on 16 and 17th Janaury, 2009 at MSM college, Kayamkulam, Kerala.
- Participated in the One Day seminar organized by the Post- Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, St. Stephen’s College Pathanapuram in collaboration with Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) on 7th June2017.
- Participated in the National Seminar on “Biodiversity -A Conservational Approach “held at University College,Thiruvananthapuram,on 16 and 17th November 2017.
- Participated in the Three Day Programme on Environmental Management Training (EMT – 2018) jointly organized by Department of Botany, St. Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram, Kollam from 13/12/2018 to 15/12/2018
- Participated and Presented a paper in the National Seminar on “Advances in integrated Scientific Research ” held at MSM College Kayamkulam on 15th and 16th January 2019.
- Participated in the One Day Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights ” jointly organized by Patent Information Centre -Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment and Commerce, MSM College Kayamkulam, on 28th Janaury, 2019.
Workshops Attended
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Marine Zooplankton Identification on 16and 18th January 2017,organized by Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala aspart of FDP.
- Participated in the Awareness Workshop organized on 28th July 2017 at SAS SNDP Yogam College, Konni in connection with observing ‘International Tiger Day 2017 conducted by the College in association with WWF-India, Social Forestry Extension Unit, Kollam and Social Forestry Division, Pathanamthitta.
- Participated in the’ Two Day Hands-on-Workshop On Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics held at Department of Zoology BJM Government College, Chavara, on 8and 9th November 2017.
- Women empowerment through backyard ornamental fish culture in the Thazhathangady colony, Kayamkulam (UGC, PI: Dr.Bindu L.)
- Taxonomy, diversity and ecology of sea cucumbers (UGC, PI: Dr.Deepa R.Pillai.)
- Toxico-pathological impact of acute and sublethal concentration of lead nitrate and mercuric chloride on freshwater teleost Anabas testudineus (UGC, PI: Dr.Bindu V.S.)
- Diversity of Biofouling organisms of Ayiramthengu mangrove (UGC, PI: Dr.Amina S.)
- Seasonal Biodiversity of fishes and economics of fisheries in Kayamkulam backwaters (KSCSTE, PI: Dr.Amina S.)
- Popularizing Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culturing Technologies for Entrepreneurship Development (KSCSTE, PI: Dr.Bindu L.)
- Wetlands for Sustainable Livelihood and disaster risk reduction (KSCSTE –ISCA) (01.02.2017-2.2.2017) World Wetland Day Seminar
- Emerging challenges in Biodiversity conservation with special reference to recent trends in Ecotoxicology (ECBCRTET) – February 2018 (KSCSTE-KSBB)
- National seminar on ‘Ornamental Fish Culture for Entrepreneurship Development’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) (12.2.2019-13.2.2019)
- National workshop on ‘biodiversity & Aquaponics’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) (20.3.2019-21.3.2019)
- National workshop on ‘Ornamental Fish Farming and Management’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) on June 28, 29 & 1st July 2019
- National seminar on ‘Effective utilization of weeds and waste for environmental management: Economic impact of aquatic weeds’ (KSCSTE) on14.12.2022
- National seminar on ‘Waste utilization in Aquaculture Systems’ (KSCSTE) on 12.2023
- National seminar on ‘Parasitic crustaceans – an integral part of tropical marine biodiversity’ on 29.01.2024
- Seminar on ‘Biodiversity Conservation’ on 22.05.2024
- Seminar on Values of Biodiversity’ on 26.06.2024
- Seminar on ‘Bioscience Career and Competitive Exams’ on 26.06.2024
- ‘Mosquito born diseases in Kerala – an update’ (25.8.2020)-Resource Person: Dr.P.K. Sumodan, Associate Professor (Rtd), Govt. College Vadakara
- ‘DNA barcoding and fingerprinting’ (19.9.2020)-Resource Person: Dr.Sanil George, RGCB Thiruvananthapuram.
- Exotic and invasive fishes in the freshwaters of Kerala’ (31.10.2020)-Resource Person :Dr. C.P. Shaji, Conservation biologist
- ‘Plankton- A birds’ eye view on the sampling techniques, analysis and identification’(29.5.2021)-Resource Person : Dr. Vineetha Gopinath, CSIR-Senior Research Associate-Scientist’s pool Scheme, CMFRI
- Webinar on “Vermicomposting” (06.2023) Resource Person : Dr. Bindu P.S. Assistant Professor, KVK Kottayam
- Webinar on medical coding (04.2023) Resource Person : Ms.Shani Jackson , Placement co-ordinator of Anton’s MediCode
Outreach Programmes
- Science Popularization Programme – Popularizing Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culturing Technologies for Entrepreneurship Development ( funded by KSCSTE, Duration: 2019-2023)
- Developing interest in school students on Ornamental fish culture. Fish tank constructed in the nearby school, Kayamkulam as part of the extension activities of our college. A fish tank was constructed and awareness were created among school students. Different varieties of Ornamental Fishes were released and training were given to the students on ornamental fish culture.
- Beach Cleaning programme at Valiyazheekkal Beach, South of Alappuzha (Dt.), Kerala. Cleaning at Valiyazheekkal Beach, South of Alappuzha (Dt.), Kerala was conducted on 16.9.2023 from 8.10 am – 11.50 am. Altogether 101 participants actively incolved in cleaning and cleaned 1km beach area. The participants include students and faculty of Department of Zoology and NCC, NSS volunteers of M.S.M. College, students and faculty of Govt. H.S.S. Valiyazheekkal, NGOs (Thanal Kerala, Sameeksha), Harithakarma sena members, Coastal Police officers; Panchayat representatives. A total of 181.441kg of plastic and other waste materials from Fisheries activity, tourism and domestic source were removed and were handed over to the Haritha Karma Sena for proper disposal.
Cleaning at Valiyazheekkal Beach, South of Alappuzha (Dt.), Kerala
Dr. Somanatha Pillai (2010-2016)
Dr. S. Amina (2016-2017)
Dr. B. Girish Kumar (2017-2023)
Dr. Bindu L. (2023 – continuing)
- Dr. Bindu L
- Dr. Bindu V.S
- Dr. Latha C