Mathematics Department
The Department of Mathematics was established in 1968. Later post graduation programme in Mathematics started in 1983.

CBCSS course:
- BSc. Mathematics
- BSc Mathematics Degree (3 years)
- BSc. Mathematics Honours(4 years)
PG course:
- MSc Mathematics
FYUGP coordinator
Asha S Raj
Mail Id:
To achieve high standards of excellence in generating and propagating knowledge in Mathematics. Department is committed to providing an education that combines rigorous academics with joy of discovery. And to provide an environment where students can learn, become competent users of mathematics, and understand the use of mathematics in other disciplines.
To impart the knowledge of mathematical science with precision and motivate the students to pursue research in various fields of Mathematics and generate mathematical thinking to solve complex mathematical problems and problems of our daily life by providing mathematical experiences, exploring and learning opportunities, and relevant applications in the study and understanding of quantities, operations and measurements, as expressed by numbers and symbols.
faculty LIST

Renjith Kumar Y
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Number Theory
Contact Number: 9446605197
Residential Address: Perumethu, Pathiyoor west, Kareelakulangara P O
Official Email:
Academic Qualification: MSc,B Ed, NET
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 12years, 5 months
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 12years, 5 months
Administrative / Official Responsibilities: State Public Information Officer(MSM College Kayamkulam)
Seminar / Conference organized: Initiation to Mathematics 2018,National level workshop2018,NBHM Training Courses organized
Seminar / Conference attended: National seminar- open source software for computing in Mathematics
Other Relevant information: Member of sports club

Dr. Deepa K P
Designation: Assistant Professor & HOD
Area of Specialization: Fuzzy number mappings
Contact Number: 7907250241
Residential Address: Palamuttathu, kallummoodu, Kayamkulam
Official Email:
Academic Qualification: MSc, BEd, MPhil, PhD Mathematics
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 8 years 5 months
Teaching Experience -PG (31/03/2024): 8 years 5 months
Research Experience: 15 years
Awards and Accolades: Gold Medal (I rank) for M.Phil Mathematics
Seminar / Conference organized
- National Seminar on Algebra &Visual Analysis in association with Kerala State Council for Science,Technology & Environment held at MSMCollege on 17-12-2015 (Organizing Committee Member)
- National Workshop on Initiation to Mathematics at MSM College on December 2018 (Organizing Committee Member)
- Workshop (2 days)on Foundations of Complex Analysis in collaboration with the Institute of Mathematics Research and Training at MSM College on 23 rd &24 th November 2018(Organizing Committee Member)
- Two day Faculty Development Programme on Effective Course Delivery using MOODLE from 03-09-2019 to 04-09-2019 conducted by IQAC,MSM College in Association with ICT Academy of Kerala (Coordinator of the Programme)
Training Courses attended
- FLAIR Orientation Programme organized by the Directorate of Collegiate Education at Trivandrum on 26-10-2018
- UGC-PFMS Training & Settlement at St.Joseph’sCollege, Irinjalakuda on 4-6-2019
- UGC, HRDC Refresher Course Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram(15 daysFrom 17-09-2019 To 30-09-2019)
- UGC, HRDC Orientation CourseKaryavattom, Thiruvananthapuram(21 daysFrom 16-10-2019 to 05-11-2019)
- Two day Faculty Development Programme on Effective Course Delivery using MOODLE from 03-09-2019 to 04-09-2019 conducted by IQAC,MSM College in Association with ICT Academy of Kerala
Seminar / Conference attended
- National seminar (CSIR Sponsored) held on March 2nd and 3rd 2012 at Kongu Engineering College (Autonomous),Perundurai, Erode, Tamilnadu.
- National Programme on Technology Enhanced learning-A joint Venture by IITS & IISC held on 25th October 2012 at Maria College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu.
- National workshop on Graph Theory & Random Process by TEQIP held at TKM college of Engineering, Kollam on Nov.2014
Social Media Links: channel/UCK3nyWOmkmu JsCswjWsMTlg/
International Journal Publications
- Bounded Variation of Convex Fuzzy number mappings, European Journal of Scientific Research,2012, ISSN 1450-216X, Vol.76,No.4,pp.628-632.
- Some Important characteristics of Fuzzy number mappings, International Journal of Mathematical Research, 2013,ISSN 0976-5840,Vol.5,No.4,pp.423-430.
Workshops Attended
- Participated One day Cluster Workshop for coordinators & Internal mentors of the WWS Programme held at MSM Collegeon 11-2-2016
- One day Capacity Building Cluster workshop for Internal mentors (WWS) Organized by New Initiatives in Higher Education at MSM College on 12-01-2017
Other Relevant information
- Department level NAAC Activities Coordinator
- Women cell Member
- Walk With Scholar (WWS) Programme Internal Mentor
- SSP Internal Mentor
- IQAC (College level) Member
- Admission Committee for UG (College level) Member
- Discipline Committee (College Level) Member
- Science Club Member
- Assistant Coordinator IQAC,MSM College
Paper presentation
- Paper presentation on National webinar on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its applications( RAMA 2021) on March 17,2021organized by Department of pure Mathematics, Calicut University
Topic : Rearward and mutated fuzzy numbers
Paper publication
- Journal: Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (ISSN 0974-6803)
Title: Some Arithmetic Operations on rearward and mutated fuzzy numbers
Aug 2022 volume 21 issue 10
- Journal of Xidian University
Title :Overall Grade decision using fuzzy relational matrix
1. Volume 16, issue 3, 2022 ISSN 1001-2400.

Pritty Mary George
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Functional Analysis- Pseudo-spectrum and Operator Algebra
Contact Number: 7012332419 / 8281494734
Residential Address: Paulwil Cottage, Muthupilakkad, Kollam
Official Email:
Academic Qualification: MSc Mathematics,NET
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 8 year 6 months
Teaching Experience -PG (31/03/2024): 8 year 6 months
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level: Department level NAAC CORDINATOR
Academic Positions: Member of BoS, Sreenarayanaguru Open University
Seminar / Conference organized: International Webinar onMathematics behind Robotics and An Introduction to Modern Mathematics-January 2021
Training Courses attended
- UGC – Sponsored Orientation Programme XL from 26-10-2019 to 5-11-2019
- UGC sponsored Live Online Refresher Course in Mathematics from 3-12-2020 to 16-12-2020
Seminar / Conference attended
- Refresher Course for College Teachers in Kerala State- Topic in Functional Analysis- Spectral theorem and Operator Algebra
- National Seminar on Future India : Science and Technology S in integrated Scientific Research
- International webinar on special functions and discrete mathematics Organised by Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala
- National webinar on “Paradigm shift in Science learning: Trends and Concerns in the Digital Era“ organised by GOVT. COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION , KOZHIKODE
- The International Webinar on “An Introduction to Mathematical Optimal Control Theory” organised by the Department of Mathematics, Sree Narayana College for Women, Kollam
- Webinar on “Introduction to LATEX ” Organised by the Department of Mathematics ,M.E.S Kalladi College , Mannarkkad
Social Media Links: channel/UCPBa6Zjtia TdRbPd68hyt5w
Workshops Attended
- One day Capacity Building Workshop for Resource Persons of the Scholar Support Programme organised by New Initiatives in Higher Education
Other Relevant information
- Member of Science club(college level)
- Member of Literature and Arts Club (college level)
- Member of Women cell (college level)
- Additional Resources

Dr. Jisha M S
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Fuzzy Topology
Contact Number: 9447587702
Official Email:
Academic Qualification:
- MSc
- MPhil
- Net+JRF
- PhD
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 8 years and 8 months
Teaching Experience -PG (31/03/2024): 8 years and 8 months
Research Experience:
- Awarded PhD from University of Kerala
- Published 3 research papers on international journals which are included in the ugc care list and scopus indexed list.
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level: DLMC convenor
Details on Journal Publications:
- A Study on fuzzy sigma space and fuzzy strong sigma space – International review of fuzzy mathematics – ugc-care listed journal.
- A study on fuzzy semi stratifiable and stratifiable space- Malaya journal of matematik- ugc care listed journal.
- A study on fuzzy monotonically normal space- Advances in mathematics: scientific jounal-scopus indexed journal.

Asha S Raj
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Graph Theory, Abstract Algebra
Contact Number: 97470 51680
Residential Address: Vijayamandiram, Maroor P O, Elamannoor (via), Pathanamthitta
Official Email:
Academic Qualification: MSc, NET
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 4 years and 4 months
Teaching Experience -PG (31/03/2024): 4 years and 4 months
Seminar / Conference attended: Al-Haj P K Kunjusahib Memorial Webinar Series on 30 th January 2021
Other Relevant information
- Member of Science Club
- Women’s Club
Organized a national webinar on
- Fixed point Theory and Measure
- Theoretic Probability on 22-03-2-22

Aparna R
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Complex Analysis
Contact Number: 9446336321
Official Email:
Academic Qualification: M.Sc Mathematics
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 4.5 years
Teaching Experience -PG (31/03/2024): 4.5 years
Administrative /Official Responsibilities at College Level:
- Exam Committee Member ( 2022-23)
- NAAC office Team member Since 2023
Other Relevant information
- Member of Science Club
- Women’s Club
- Additional Resources
Organized a national webinar on
- Fixed point Theory and Measure
- Theoretic Probability on 22-03-2-22
- First prize in Kerala University Youth Festival for “Chenda” (March 2019)
- First prize in Kerala University Youth Festival for “Chenda” (March 2020)
- Second prize in Kerala University Youth Festival for “Folk Song” (March 2018)
- An international webinar on “Mathematics behind robotics and an introduction to modern mathematics” by Department of Mathematics in association with IQAC, Milad E Sheriff Memorial college, Kayamkulam (30th january 2021)
- Workshop in Foundations of Functional Analysis by Department of Mathematics in collaboration with IMRT (14, 15 February 2020)
- National workshop on “Initiation into Mathematics 2018” organized by Department of Mathematics associated with National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) organized under the agencies of MTTS Trust ( 19-24 December 2018)
- Workshop on “Foundations of Complex Analysis”by Department of Mathematics in collaboration with Institute of Mathematics Research and Training (IMRT) (23, 24 November 2018)
- National seminar on Hardmard Conference, Matrices and technical strategies in Mathematics organized by Department of Mathematics in association with Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment. (Dec 2017)
- Sreenivasa Ramanujan Seminar Series(Dec 2016)
- National Seminar on Algebra and Visual Analysis organized by Department of Mathematics associated with kerala state council for science, Technology and Environment in connection with Sreenivasa Ramanujan Seminar Series ( 18th to 20th Dec 2015)
- Awareness campaign on organ donation
- Visiting a nearby old age home
- Prof.K Ahammed Basheer
- P.N. Aravindakshan
- S.Salahudheen
- T.G. Radhakrishnan
- C.K. Rajan
- P.G. Tharamma
- S. Manmadhan pillai
- A. Shajahan
- M.R. Padmakumari
- K.P. Sreekumar
- Renjith Kumar. Y.
- Dr.Deepa K P