History Department
From 1964, History has been one of the important disciplines taught in the college. The department of history of the college has been in the vanguard in promoting critical historical studies. Each year, a number of students from the department are admitted to postgraduate and research courses in various central and state universities.

- BA History
The Department of History is dedicated to cultivating a rigorous and nuanced understanding of the past, inspiring students to critically reimagine historical narratives with a special emphasis on Indian history and Kerala’s interconnections within global contexts. Through an integrated framework of teaching, research, and public engagement, we empower students to challenge and reinterpret historical assumptions, enhancing their capacity to discern the complexities of the present and envision a transformative future. Guided by the philosophy that history is a science for progressive humanisation , our vision promotes a scientific and reflective approach to historical inquiry, thereby fostering deeper social insight and contributing to the nation’s intellectual and cultural advancement.
Mission of the Department
The Department is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and intellectually rigorous environment grounded in core academic principles, promoting collaboration, and embracing diverse perspectives. Our mission is to advance interdisciplinary scholarship and cultivate civic sensibility through historical studies, nurturing social inclusivity and mutual respect among students. Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the analytical skills essential for advanced historical research in the 21st century, preparing them to engage with history through a critical and reflective lens.
faculty LIST

Manoj T R
Designation: H.O.D & Associate Professor
Area of Specialization: Early Medieval Kerala
Contact Number: 8281176535
Residential Address: Thorokkudy House, Manickamangalam post , Kalady 683574
Email: t.manoj.tr@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: M A, M.Phil., Ph.D. in History
Teaching Experience: 10 Years
Details of Major or Minor Projects: Minor Project- Cultural Plurality of Palakkad region ( 2014)
Administrative / Official Responsibilities: N S S Program Officer ( 2011- 2015)
Academic Positions:
- Academic council member – University of Kerala
- Academic committee member – S N Open: University
- P G Board member – M G University
Awards and Accolades: JCI Presidential Award 2019
Seminar / Conference organized:
- Local Secretary of Vth International Kerala History Conference was held at M.S.M. College, Kayamkulam On November 9, 10, 11, 2017
- Coordinator of the National Seminar on Culture as a Site of Struggle: Ideology, Hegemony and Discourse in Colonial Experience from 23, 24, 25 , September 2019
- Seven Days Online Corse on History and Social Theory (Interdisciplinary) for University and College Teachers from 7th to 14th October 2020.
Training Courses attended
- Orientation Programme from Kerala University in 2013
- Refresher Course in Environmental Science from Himachal Pradesh University in 2016
- E -Content Development, A Short Term Corse from MHRD, Teaching Learning Centre, Calicut University
- Refresher Course from HRDC, University of Calicut, 2019 October
Book Chapter Publications:
- Kalpathi: A Different form of Social Protest in Kerala, From the Fathoms to the Front: Lesser Known Facets of Social Reform in South India, ISBN 978-93-5067-751-3, 349-360
- Jain Heritage of Kerala: A Historiography Critique, The Ruffled Times in History, 2018, 978-93-88597-11-1
Other Publications:
- The Ruffled Times in History (ed)
- Proceedings of the Vth International Conference
- 2018 കേരളത്തിലെ കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് പാർട്ടിയുടെ ചരിത്രം, ഭാഗം2, 1940-1952, ISBN 95-88485-34-3,ചിന്ത പബ്ലിക്കേഷൻസ്
- 2019കേരളത്തിലെ കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് പാർട്ടിയുടെ ചരിത്രം, ഭാഗം3 , 1952-1964, ചിന്ത പബ്ലിക്കേഷൻസ്,2019
Other Relevant information:
- Member of University level Monitoring committee
- University of Kerala
- Convenor – anti narcotics club , MSM college,
- Member syndicate University of Kerala
- Senate member University of Kerala
- statutory finance committee member Kerala University
- NSS advisory committee member University of Kerala
- FYUGP Curriculum committee convenor Kerala University
- academic council member Kerala University

Bindu PS
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Kerala History
Contact Number: 9249239146
Residential Address: Kariyath (h), Dalawamadam Road, Krishnapuram p.o, Kayamkulam
Email: binduanilps@gmail.com
Official Email: binduanilps@gmail.com
Academic Qualification: M.A History, B.Ed
Teaching Experience -UG (31/03/2024): 13 year and 8 months
Research Experience: Doing PhD
Administrative / Official Responsibilities:
- Faculty Advisor of II B.A History students
- DLMC convenor
- Internal mentor of Walk with scholar program (2014-2017)
Seminar / Conference organized
- Organising member of Archival exhibition and Colloquium (23,24,&25 2012),
- organisingmember of Film Fest Panorama 2015 at MSM College Kayamkulam
- Joint Convener in theNational webinar on Academic Thinking and Civic life organised by students IQAC withDepartment of History MSM College Kayamkulam on 27 th August 2020
Training Courses attended
- Attended UGC sponsored Orientation course at Academic Staff College,Kariavattom(23-4-2013 to 20-5-2013,
- Refresher course at Human resource development center ,Kariavattom (13-6-2017 to 3-7-2017),
- participated in the UGC sponsored live onlineRefresher course in women Studies (2-12-2020 to 15-12-2020),
- participated in the short termcourse in Humanities and social Theory conducted by Department of History MSM College withUGC HRDC( 7-10-2020 to 14-10-2020),
- participated one week FDP program on Towards aDigital era of Teaching and learning organised by UGC HRDC Thiruvananthapuram with KSMDB college Sasthamkotta ( August 12-18,2020),
- participated FDP program onPedagogical and E learning tools for Teaching by S.D.college Alappuzha with the Kerala StateHigher Education council (4- 10 th August 2020),
- participated in the online FDP on Researchmethodology by Government College Satnali, Haryana ( September 9-13,2020), 8) participated in the online national level short term course in E content development by MSM College Kayamkulam with UGC HRDC Thiruvananthapuram (24-9-2020 to 30-9-2020)
Seminar / Conference attended
- Attended National conference on Exercise Phisiology by Department of physical Education,MSM College Kayamkulam (21-22 December 2010)
- National seminar on Ghazzalis Thoughtby Department of Arabic, MSM College Kayamkulam (26-27 February 2011)
- Nationalseminar on Shrinking world and widening chasms by Department of English MSM CollegeKayamkulam ( 20-21 June 2013)
- presented a paper on women Empowerment in the Nationalseminar organised by Fathima Matha National College,kollam,( 15 March 2013)
- presented apaper on Trade and commerce in the two day International seminar by Department of English,Malankara catholic College (18-19 August 2017 )
- presented a paper titled Empowerment ofwomen through the freedom struggle: the case of Kerala in the international seminar at Titus IITeachers College, Tiruvalla (25-27 October 2017)
- presented a paper in the InternationalKerala History conference at MSM College Kayamkulam (November 9,10,&11 2017)
- presented a paper in the International seminar on Education at crossroads: Tilting socialEquations at St.Thomas Training college, Thiruvananthapuram ( 2-4 February 2017).
- presented a paper in the fourth annual session and International congress of Kerala Historycongress at Thiruvananthapuram ( 20,21&22 December 2018)
- participated in the Nationalseminar on Representative Democracy at MSM College Kayamkulam (21 January 2019,)
- participated in the National seminar on Judicial intervention at MSM College Kayamkulam (7February 2019)
- presented a paper on culture as a site of struggle in the National seminar atMSM College Kayamkulam ( 24,25&26September 2019)
- participated in the webinar onImpact of covid on Higher Education by Prof. Rajan Gurukkal
- participated in theinternational e-conference organized by Department of Language and social sciences, IsmailYusuf college Maharashtra,
International Journal Publications: A vital Space of Trade and commerce: A critical study on Alleppey, The Investigator, Vol.5,No.2 , June 2019, ISSN 2454-3314. P. 81
International Conference Publications
- Historical background of the effects of Education on society with special reference to Kerala,
- Education at crossroads : Tilting social Equations, 2017, ISBN: 978-93-5279-556-7,p.61.
- Empowerment of women and freedom struggle of Kerala : Historical perspective, proceedings of 5th International conference of Kerala History, ISBN 978-93-88597-11-1, p.111
National Conference Publications
- Education: It’s Effects on the caste structure of Kerala society, Caste structure in Kerala and its changing Trends,2015,ISBN No:978-93-5196-973-0, p.-28.
- Partition and Migration: A tragic Episode in Indian History , Travails of Uprootment: A Tribute to refugees, exiles and Diasporic communities, 2015, ISBN:978-93-85723-00-1, p.-180
Workshops Attended
- Attended one day workshop for Internal Mentors of the walk with scholar program at SN College for women, Kollam ( 27-10-2014)
- Attended capacity building cluster work shop for Internal Mentors of Walk with scholar program organised by the office of New Initiatives in Higher Education at MSM College Kayamkulam (12-1-2017)
- Participated in the two day workshop on Epigraphy:Theory and Practice organized by Maharaja’s college, Ernakulam ( 26-27 December 2019)
Other Relevant information: Member of Women Forum, Member in the Organising committee of world coin Exhibition ( 26-27 August 2014) , committee member of college level Arts Festival (2018),

Dr. Biju R I
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialization: Cultural History, Theory and History
Address: Nivedhyam, Dr.C R P Nagar, Pangappara PO
Mob: 9446092592
Official mail. Id: bijuri@msmcollege.in
Secondary Email Id: bijuri@live.in
Social media links: https://keralauniversity.academia.edu/DrBijuRI
Academic Qualification: MA, M.Phil and Ph.D in History
Research Experience: M.Phil and Ph.D, A Minor Research Project sponsored by UGC
Academic Positions at University Level:
- Archaeology Board of Studies Member, University of Kerala from 2020 to 2024
- B A History Board of Studies Member University of Kerala from 2020 to 2024
- M A History Board of Studies Member, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam from 2021-2025.
When ‘Idols’ Claim The Nation: The Cult Making in Contemporary India, Journal of Indian History, VOL. XCVIII, 2021, ISSN: 0022-1775, University of Kerala. 2021.
Details on Books/ Edited Collections
ദേശീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ നയത്തിലെ വലതുപക്ഷ വേരുകൾ’ ദേശീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ നയം : മറയ്ക്കപ്പെടുന്ന മായ്ക്കപ്പെടുന്ന അറിവിടങ്ങൾ , രാജേഷ് കെ. ഏരു മേലി, എസ്. രാഹുൽ, മെത്രി ബുക്സ, തിരുവനന്തപുരം,2023.
List of Paper Presentations:
- Delivered a lecture on “Indian Desabhavanyude Marunna Sankalpangal” organized by the Department of History, Sree Sankara College, Kalady in collaboration with Chettur Sankaran Nair Foundation on 10th September 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on “Perspectives on Nationalism: Gandhian Idea of Nationalism” in the International Symposium on Reminiscence of Mahatma Gandhiji’s Role in Indi’s Freedom Struggle organized by the Department of History, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women , Coimbatore on 25th February 2022.
- Chaired a session on 28th February 2022 as part of the Two Day Conference on History in Context organized by the Department of History, Central University of Karnataka on 27th February 2022.
- Delivered an Invited talk on “The National Movement: Consolidation and Representation of Myriad Voices” organized by the Post Graduate Department of History, Henry Baker College, Melukavu on 15th August, 2022.
- Delivered a talk on “New in History” at the Department of History, St.Joseph, College for Women in connection with RICERCA National Project Presentation Competition held at St.Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha on 3oth September 2022.
- Delivered an Invited talk on “Imagining the Nation: The Question of Language and Homogenous Identity of the Nation” organized by the Post Graduate Department of History, CMS College, Kottayam(Autonomous) on 9th November 2022.
- Delivered an Invited talk on “Imagining Modernity: Symbolic Terrain of Historical Monuments” organized by the Post Graduate Department of Historical Studies, St.Marys College, Manarcaud in collaboration with the Department of Student Services, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam held on 8th and 9th November 2022.
- Chaired a session on 27th January 2023 as part of the Seventh Annual International Session of Kerala History Congress organized by the Department of History, Government Brennen College, Dharmadam, Thalassery.
- Delivered an Invited talk on “India/Bharat: Historical Trajectories of Nation Making” organized by the Post Graduate Department of History, St. Mary’s College, Thrissur on 9th 2023.
Syllabus Revision
- Participated the Two Days’ Workshop on Restructuring of B.A History Syllabus (CBCSS) of the University of Kerala on 13 and 14 March 2014 organised by the Board of Studies – History, University of Kerala.
- Participated as Resource Person in the Three Day Workshop on Restructuring of MA History Syllabus of the Mahatma Gandhi University on 17th January and 18th January 2019 at Union Christian College, Aluva organized by the Board of Studies MA History, Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam.
Seminar / Conference organized
- Academic Coordinator of the Vth Annual Session of the International Kerala History Conference hosted by the Department of History, M.S.M. College, Kayamkulam on November 9th, 10th and 11th 2017 with the financial support of Government of Kerala.
- Coordintaed the Three Day National Seminar on “Culture as a Site of Struggle: Ideology Hegemony and Discourse in Colonial Experience” on September 24th, 25th and 26th 2019 organised by the Department of History, M.S.M. College Kayamkulam with the financial support of Kerala Council for Historical Research(KCHR).
- Coordinator of the One Week (7 Days)Online short Term Course for College and University teachers on the topic entitled “History and Social Theory”(Interdisciplinary) from 7th October 2020 to 14th October 2020 in collaboration with UGC-HRDC University of Kerala.
Training Courses attended
- Participated in the UGC – Sponsored Orientation Programme (IT) Oriented Conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom from 03-10-2013 to 30- 10-2013 with A Grade
- Successfully completed in the UGC Sponsored Refresher Course conducted by the UGC-HRDC, Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU), New Delhi from 4-01-2016 to 26 -01-2016 with A Grade
- Participated in the Refresher Course in History and Cultural Studies conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre , University of Calicut from 05th September 2018 to 25th September 2018 and obtained A Grade
Seminar / Conference attended
- Participated in the National seminar On PAMARAM: Inland Water Transport of Kerala –History, Culture and Biodiversity from 18th, 19th and 20th, December 2012, at International Centre for Kerala Studies(ICKS), University of Kerala, Kariavattom
- Presented a paper in the UGC sponsored National Conference on ‘Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya : A great Visionary Educationist of India’ on the topic entitled “The Militant Turns of Swadeshi spirit: Madan Mohan Malaviya and Seva Samiti” held on December 19th 20th 2012 in the Department of Education, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Presented a paper on “Cultural Hegemony : Conflicting Paradigm of Colonial Experience” in the 73rd Session of Indian History Congress at University of Mumbai, Mumbai from 28th to 30th December 2012.
- Presented a paper on “Cultural Hegemony a Paradigm Shift: The Scout Movement in India” in the 33rd Annual Session of South Indian History Congress at Department of History, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 15tth to 17th February 2013.
- Presented a paper on “Imperial Weapon Turns A Boomerang: Baden Powell’s Movement in India” in the International Seminar conducted by Swami Vivekananda Association of Science and Humanities at Vivekananda Cultural Institute, Thiruvananthapuram on 26th April 2014.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Strategies of Cultural Hegemony : Colonial Intervention in Architecture, Travancore Experience” on 19th October 2015 at UGC Sponsored National Seminar Organised by the PG Department of History, Iqbal College, Peringammala.
- Delivered a lecture on “Writing Local Histories : Problems and Perspectives” on 15th December 2015 at the Three Day Workshop organised by the Department of History, Government College Attingal Sponsored by Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic entitled “Hegemony and Resistance: The Scout Movement and the Gandhian Strategies” on 3rd November 2016 at the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Organised by the PG Department of History, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Invited Lecture on “Building Blocs of Power: Colonial Architecture in Travancore” in a National Seminar on ‘Imaging Images : Art History of Kerala’ organised by International Centre for Kerala Studies, University of Kerala on 7th December 2016.
- Invited Lecture on “Architecture and Power : Colonial Public Buildings in Kerala” on 5th January 2017 in a National Seminar on ‘Co-currents and Counter currents in Contemporary Historical Research’ organised by the PG Department of History, Government College Madappally, Vadakara.
- Delivered a lecture on “Nationalism A Critique” 15th August 2017 in a Seminar organised by the National Service Scheme(NSS) Sree Narayana College, Chempazhanthy, as part of the Independence Day Celebrations.
- Presented a paper entitled “Text From Context : Locating the Empire in the Writings of Robert Baden Powell” on 29th January 2018 in the 38th Annual Session of the South Indian History Congress held at University of Calicut.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Locating and Conceptualizing Indian Nation : When Theory Meets History”, on 8th February 2018 at the PG and Research Department of History Union Christian College, Aluva.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on ” Locating and Conceptualizing Indian Nation: When Theory Meets History” on 18th January 2019 at the Department of History, Christian College Chengannur.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Colonialism to Nationalism: Perspectives on Nationalism, on February 21st 2019 at UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calicut UGC Sponsored Refresher Course on Gandhian Studies.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on ” Locating and Conceptualizing Indian Nation: When Theory Meets History” on 25th January 2019 at the Post Graduate Department of History, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on ” Locating and Conceptualizing Indian Nation: When Theory Meets History” on 19th November 2019 at the Post Graduate and Research Department of History, University College Thiruvananthapuram.
- Resource Person in a National Seminar and delivered a talk on “Architecture as Power Structure : Colonial Public Buildings and the Making of Imperial Landscape” on 6th November 2019 organised by the PG Department of History, Government College, Perambra, Kozhikode.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Perspectives on Nationalism” on 14th October 2019 at UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calicut for UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Stones as Texts : The British Colonial Public Buildings in Kerala”, 12th December 2019 at a National Seminar organised by the Department of History, Government College, Chittur, Palakkad.
- Delivered a lecture on “Indian Constitution: Past and Present”, 28th October 2019 Naithikam 2019, Celebration of the 70th year of Indian Constitution organized by SSK Alappuzha.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on ” Locating and Conceptualizing Indian Nation: When Theory Meets History” on 23rd November 2018 at Government College, Nedumangad as part of the Higher Secondary School Teachers Transformation Programme.
- Delivered a lecture on “New Trends in History : When the Stones Talk Histories” 24th January 2020 at Union Christian College, Aluva as part of the Three Day Residential Workshop for Higher Secondary Students of Ernakulam District Sasthrapadham sponsored by the Government of Kerala.
- Delivered a lecture on “Historicization of India : Colonial to Post-colonial Discourses” 25th January 2020 Three Day Residential Workshop for Higher Secondary Students of Alappuzha District Sasthrapadham sponsored by the Government of Kerala held at M.S.M. College, Kayamkulam.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Building Blocs of Power: The Colonial Public Buildings in south India’ as resource person in the Five day National Webinar Organised by PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbotre held during July 1st to 5th 2020.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Architecture and Power: The British Buildings in South India” as a resource person for One Week FDP Programme for College Teachers Organised by Annamalai University, Director of distance Education, History from 03/08/2020 to 9/08/2020 .
- Delivered a lecture in the two day National Webinar on “History New Perspectives” organised by the Department of History in association with IQAC, NSS College, Pnadalam on 21st August 2020.
- Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Idolatry in Indian Nationalism “at a Webinar held on 3rd July 2021 conducted as part of Vayanapakshacharanam from 19-06-2021 to 07-07-2021 organised by the Post Graduate Department of History, Government College, Madappally.
- Delivered an invited lecture on “Perspectives on Nationalism” at a webinar held by Post Graduate Department of History, Henry Baker College , Melukavu on 8th June 2021.
- Delivered an invited lecture in connection with Quit India Day Celebrations 2021 on the topic entitled “Gandhian Ideas of Nationalism in Contemporary Indian Scenario “at a Webinar held on 7th August 2021 at the Department of History Sree Narayana College Varkala.
- Resource Person in a Three Day National Workshop on ‘New Trends in History and Archaeology’ organised by Department of History and Archaeology, Marthoma College for Women and Delivered a talk on “Locating and Conceptualizing the Nation in India: When Theory Meets History” on 26th February 2020.
- Chaired a session on Cultural History at the Vth Session of the Kerala History Congress held at School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam during 09,10,11 January 2020.
- Chaired a session on Cultural History of the VIth Annual International Kerala History Conference on 16, 17, 18 November 2018 at Thunchath Ezhuthacan Malayayalam University, Tirur
International Journal Publications
(Uni) Forming Youth : The Scout Movement and Imperialist Ideology, International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR), April 2020, ISSN: 2319-7064,
National Journal Publications
- Imperialism and Popular Culture: An Enquiry into The Scout Movement in Kerala, South Indian History Congress Thirtieth Annual Session Proceedings, 2012, ISSN 2229- 3671, 368-371, XXX.
- Colonialism and Culture Space: An Enquiry into the Scout Movement in India, Journal of Indian History, December 2011, ISSN 0022-1775, 236-248, XC.
- മഹാ മാ രി കാ ലത്തെ സോ ഷ്യ ലി സ്റ്റ്, മുതലാ ളി ത്ത സമീ പനങ്ങൾ, വിജ്ഞാ നകൈ രളി ,July-August2020, ISSN 2349-1051, 19-26, Vol.52.
Book Chapter Publications
The Ruffled Times in History(ed.), Vth Kerala History Conference Proceedings, November 2018, ISBN978-93-88597-11-1, 467.
International Conference Publications
Loccating the Empire in the Ideological Perspectives of the Scout Movement, Histories Unbounded,2019, ISBN 978-93-5282-747-3, 390-398.
Workshops Attended
- Participated in the Research Methdology Workshop in History, “Writing Down to Writing Up: The Art and Craft of Historical Research”, organised by the Kerala History Congress in association with Kerala State Higher Education Council at Union Christian College, Aluva from January 16th to 21st 2017.
- Participated in the workshop on “Methodology and Research Writing in Social Science” organised by Kerala State Higher Education Council from 24th February to 1st March, 2018 at Thiruvananthapuram.
- Participated in the Three Day National Workshop on Research Methodology “Historical Research : Theoretical Perspectives, organised by the Department of History, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady, from 10th to 12th January 2019.
- Participated in a 6days residential workshop on “Reconfiguring History Pedagogy: Theory, Method and Practice” for University /College faculties in History from 21 to 26 January 2020 organised by the Kerala History Congress in association with Kerala State Higher Education Council at School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
Other Publications
- ദേശീയവിദ്യാഭ്യാസനയം : ഹിന്ദുത്വത്തിന്റെ ചരിത്ര വഴികൾ, ദേശാഭിമാനി, October 2020.
- ബിംബവൽക്കരിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ഇന്ത്യൻ ദേശീയത, ദേശാഭിമാനി, മാർച്ച് 2021.
- കേരളത്തിലെ കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് പാർട്ടിയുടെ ചരിത്രം , ഭാഗം 2 , 1940 – 1952, ചിന്ത പബ്ലിക്കേഷൻസ്, 2019.
- കേരളത്തിലെ കമ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് പാർട്ടിയുടെ ചരിത്രം , ഭാഗം 3 , 1952 – 1964, ചിന്ത പബ്ലിക്കേഷൻസ്, 2019
Other Relevant information
Executive Member of Kerala History Congress(KHC)
- The Ruffled Times in History: Proceedings of the Fifth International Kerala History Conference, National Book Trust Kottayam, 2018, Eds. Dr.Manoj T R & Dr.Biju R I
ISBN 978-93-88597-11-1
- Hosted the Vth International Kerala History Conference from 9th to 11th November 2017 with a Galaxy of Internationally acclaimed Academicians, Historians, Social Scientists, Researchers, Teachers and students from different locales.
- Three Days National Seminar on “Culture as a Site of Struggle: Ideology, Hegemony and Discourse in Colonial Experience” with the financial support of KCHR on 24th, 25th & 26th September 2019.
- Organised Seven Days Online Short Term Course on “History and Social Theory(Interdisciplinary)” in Collaboration with UGC HRDC, University of Kerala from 7th October 2020 to 14th October 2020.
- Organised Archival Exhibition and Colloquium on Recent Trends in History on 23, 24, & 25th January 2012.
- Organised World Coin Expo from 26th and 27th August 2014.
- Prof. Reghunath
- Prof. Krishna Pillai
- Dr. Jamal Muhammed
- Prof. Gabir Rawather
- Prof. Abdul Rahman
- Prof. K. Khan
- Prof. Velayudhan Nair
- Prof. Shaik Ahamed
- Dr.Manoj T R