PIN: 690502



PIN: 690502




University Grants Commission believes that a safe, secure, and cohesive learning climate is anineluctable precondition to quality education and research in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It should be the prime concern of educational administrators to ensure that students are safeguarded against attacks, threats, and accidents, both man-made and natural. The Commission has formulated guidelines on the ways in which the campuses of HEIs can be transformed into oasis of safety, security and study. All universities/Colleges may make or amend their ordinances and other relevant statutory provisions accordingly to ensure that the direction contained in the guidelines are implemented in the best interests of students.

That the Institute’s endeavour by means of enforcing this Code is to pioneer and administer a student discipline process that is egalitarian, conscientious, effectual, and expeditious; and providing a system which promotes student growth through individual and collective responsibility. All Students are requested to be well conversant with this Code, which can also be reviewed on the official website of the Institute.

The Code of Conduct of M.S.M College serves as a guiding framework for all members of our academic community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. It is designed to promote an environment that fosters respect, integrity, and inclusivity. By adhering to this code, we aim to cultivate a culture of learning, collaboration, and personal growth. By embracing and upholding these principles, we collectively contribute to the vibrant and inclusive community we aspire to be. The Code of Conduct serves as a reminder of our shared responsibilities and the values that guide our college’s mission. It is through our commitment to these principles that we can create an environment conducive to learning, personal growth, and mutual respect.

This Code shall apply to all kinds of conduct ofstudents that occurs on the College premises including University sponsored activities, functions hosted by other recognized student organizations and any off campus conduct that has or may have serious consequences or adverse impact on the Institution’s Interests or reputation.
1. At the time of admission, each student must sign a statement accepting this Code and by giving an undertaking.
2. Institution believes in promoting a safe and efficient climate by enforcing behavioral standards. All students must uphold academic integrity, respect all people and their rights and property and safety of others.
3. Other than the staff members, everyone else needs to seek permission to meet the Principal.
4. All students must deter from indulging in all forms of misconduct including partaking in any activity off campus which can affect the Institute’s interests and reputation substantially. The various forms of misconduct include:
(i) Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste, race, religion, or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, or sexual orientation, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, etc.
(ii) Intentionally damaging or destroying Institute property or property of other students and/or faculty members. They shall not deface the college walls and furniture by writing, engraving, stamping, pasting etc.
(iii) Any disruptive activity in a classroomor in an event sponsored by the Institute.
(iv) Students are required to reach the college on time.
(v) Unable to produce the identity card, issued by the Institute, or refusing to produce it on demand by campus security guards.
(vi) Outsiders, Sem out students, dismissed students, student representatives from other colleges etc. are not allowed to enter the campus without prior written permission from the Principal.
(vii) Students are expected to maintain modesty, decency and decorum in dressing and behaviour.
(viii) Students who happen to have no class should not loiter in the corridors or campus during class hours. They must either go to the library and read or retire to their hostels or homes or can remain in their own class or indulge in any extension activities.
(ix) Library rules and Laboratory instructions should be strictly complied with by the students, and they should act in a responsible manner.
5. Prohibited activities include:
a. Organizing meetings and processions without Institute permission.
b. Accepting membership in religious or terrorist groups banned by the Institute/Government of India.
c. Unauthorized possession, carrying, or use of weapons, ammunition, explosives, or potential weapons, contrary to law or policy.
d. Bringing pets, birds, animals, or reptiles to the campus.
e. Smoking on the Institute’s campus.
f. Possessing, consuming, distributing, or selling alcohol/drugs in the Institute or throwing empty bottles on the campus.
g. Parking in no parking zones or areas designated for other vehicle types.
h. Rash driving on campus.
i. Non-disclosure of pre-existing health conditions to the Chief Medical Officer that may hinder academic progress.
j. Theft or unauthorized access to other resources.
k. Misbehavior during student body elections or any Institute activity.
l. Engaging in disorderly, lewd, or indecent conduct, including creating unreasonable noise, pushing and shoving, inciting or participating in a riot or
group disruption at the Institute.
As per the court order WPC (c) No.22314 of 2013 (L), states that. “…unions cannot conduct any agitation or organizational activities within the college campus, and they should be prevented to have politics within the college campus or election on political basis within the campus which is prohibited by thiscourt.”


All celebrations and technical events within the institution must be conducted in strict accordance with the following government circulars:
a) Circular G1/200/23-HEDN dated 06/12/2023
b) Circular 26483/G1/15/HEDN dated 12/10/2023
c) Circular No. G1/51/2016/H.Edn dated 06/06/2016

1. Begin by drafting a detailed proposal for the program at least 5 days before the proposed date of programme, ensuring it aligns with the college’s values of maintaining a politics-free environment.
2. Clearly outline the purpose, goals, and potential benefits of the program.
3. Schedule a meeting with the Principal through the proper channels (through administrative office). Clearly state your intention to discuss a proposed program and seek permission.
4. During the meeting, present your proposal professionally, highlighting how it contributes positively to the college community.
5. Be prepared to address any concerns the Principal may have and provide solutions or compromises to mitigate potential issues.
6. Provide a detailed plan for event logistics, including venue, date, time, details about guests and any necessary resources. Assure the Principal that the program will be wellorganized and won’t disrupt the campus atmosphere.
7. Gather support from faculty or student groups to strengthen your case and demonstrate broader interest in the proposed programme.
8. Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the meeting, expressing your understanding of the college’s policies, university directions, court orders etc. and your commitment to upholding them.
9. Follow up with any additional information or documentation requested by the Principal promptly, and express gratitude for their time and consideration.
10. Permission for any program within the campus is restricted from 9.30 am to 4.00pm.
11. It is imperative to provide advance notification to the Discipline Committee regarding the program and adhere to their instructions accordingly.

College Identity Card

1. A College Identity Card will be issued to the student at the time of admission.
2. All the students must wear ID Badges on campus. This is mandatory as per G.O. no. 26483/G1/15/h.edn dated 12-10-2015.
3. It is the responsibility of the student to see that the card is duly attested by the Principal.
4. The student should wear this card while on the campus and produce the same on demand for inspection by any staff member.
5. If the card is lost, a duplicate can be obtained on payment of Rs 100/-
6. Take note of the fact that the College Identity Card will be required on many occasions such as voting at the College Union Election, claiming hall tickets, mark lists, certificates, scholarships, stipends, etc. and hence the same should be maintained with due importance.
7. After the completion of the course, the ID cards must be duly returned to the Office/concerned Department.


1. The College Library normally remains open from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm on all working days.
2. Members of the staff and students at the college are members of the library.
3. Students should submit their identity cards at the counter before entering the library.
4. Strict silence must be maintained in the library.
5. No books or periodicals shall be removed from the library unless it is registered at the issuing counter.
6. Borrowed books must be returned within a fortnight and they can be re-issued for a further period of 14 days if no one else has applied for the book. A book may be recalled at any time even before the expiry of the period.
7. Members are expected to use books with care. If a book is lost or damaged, it should be replaced at once together with a fine. If the book is not replaced, the defaulter shall have to pay three times the cost of the book together with a fine.
8. Students are not allowed to pass on the booksto anyone in or outside the college.
9. Books lost, damaged, or defaced must be paid for by the student in whose name they were issued.
10. All books must be returned by the due date. An overdue fine (Rs. 1 per day) will be imposed on all books not returned on time. Students are liable to forfeit their membership of the library for disregard of the library rules, indiscipline, or misbehaviour.
11. Computers in the Library should be used for academic purposes.

Social Media

1. Students are expected not to interact, on behalf of the Institute, with media representatives or invite media persons on to the campus without the permission of the Institute authorities.
2. Students are not permitted to shoot or upload photographs, audio or video record lectures in classrooms or actions of other students, faculty, or staff without prior permission.
3. Students are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on the campus to media without prior permission.
4. Students are expected to use social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post derogatory comments about other individuals from the Institute or indulge in any such related activities having grave ramifications on the reputation of the Institution.
5. Making a video/audio recording, taking photographs, or streaming audio/videoof any person in a location where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without that person’s knowledge and consent.


1. Attendance is taken every hour, and the attendance percentage is calculated based on teaching hours attended.
2. A student who gets less than 75% aggregate attendance is not eligible to write the End Semester Examination. However, with girls claiming “menstruation benefits” in case of attendance shortage, the minimum criteria will be brought down to 73%. He/ She will have to get readmission and repeat the semester with the next batch or granted admission, if eligible for it. Others must repeat the semester along with the next batch, unless they could make up the shortage of attendance through condonation.
3. Condonation of shortage of attendance to a maximum of 10% in a semester subject to a maximum of two times during the whole period of a Degree Programme shall be granted by the University on valid grounds.
4. Benefits of attendance for a maximum of 10% in a semester shall be granted to students who participate/attend University Union activities, meetings of the University Bodies and Extra Curricular Activities, on production of participation/attendance certificate by the University Authorities/Principals as the case may be.
5. Duty leaves for physical education activities will be granted only to athletes representing the College or the University in various matches, tournaments, and sports activities.
6. Students deputed to participate in matches, tournaments, and sports events, should submit his/her leave application duly recommended by the Physical Director to the Head of the Departments (Main subject) for necessary action.
7. Attendance is entered online using the AMS software (Attendance Management System) by the teacher.
8. All students can view their attendance percentage for every course and the aggregate attendance for all courses together through their Student Login.
9. If any student has any grievance in this respect, he/ she should submit the same in writing to the DLMC (Department Level Monitoring Committee), and in case it cannot be settled at the DLMC, it shall be forwarded to the CLMC (College Level Monitoring Committee) within the stipulated time. The decision of the CLMC shall be binding and final at the College level. In case of further grievance, the student can approach the
ULMC (University Level Monitoring Committee).

Prohibition of Damage to Property:

The student shall not disfigure the classrooms, compound wall, or other buildings, inside the college campus by pasting posters or writing on the walls in connection with any activity. They shall not damage or destroy any furniture, equipment, or other materials inside the college campus. In the event of any student indulging in any such activities, a fine shall be imposed on him, to be fixed by the Principal of the College after evaluating
the extent and magnitude of the damage caused. The aforesaid imposition of fine is without prejudice to the liability of the delinquent student for prosecution under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code or under the provisions of the Prevention of Damage to Public Properties Act. The damage so fixed by the Principal shall be recovered as arrears and in the event of non-payment, the recovery proceedings shall be taken against the person responsible.

Study Tour

Following instructions should be followed by the students who conduct study tours:
1. Only final year students are allowed to organize study tours.
2. Study tours should be conducted only with prior permission from the office of DD,the Principal, the Head of Department, and the class teacher.
3. Booking of vehicles and arrangements for the stay while on tour should be made only after consultation with the class teacher concerned.
4. Class Teachers or other teachers deputed by the respective Heads of departments should accompany the students.
5. Any act of Indiscipline while on tour shall be considered as an act of indiscipline committed on campus and will attract punitive action.
6. The use of alcohol, drugs and smoking is strictly prohibited while on tour.
7. Every member of the party should try to see that their conduct while on tourupholds the prestige and reputation of the college.

Study Tour

1. Students should reach half an hour before the commencement of the examination, there will be a long bell at which all should enter the hall. At the second bell the question papers will be distributed.
2. Students will not be allowed into the examination hall without presenting the admit card (hall ticket) issued by the University.
3. If in case, ID Card is lost or the student forgets, students can apply for a temporaryID Card from the Chief Superintendent with the signature and stamp.
4. No books and notes should be taken into the examination hall and strict silence should be observed.
5. No paper should be detached from the answer books. No paper with the College/University seal should be removed from the examination hall.
6. No Student will occupy any other chair than her own without the consent of the invigilator.
7. If a student falls ill during the examination and is unable to complete the examination, the concerned student should alert the invigilator.
8. No student shall re-enter the examination hall after leaving it unless he/she was under approved supervision during the full period of absence.
9. Use/ possession of mobile phones and any other communication device is strictly prohibited in the examination room(s) and shall be confiscated.
10. Pencil cases, mobile phones (GSM), dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, written or electronic media, electronic devices, or any other materials are not permitted/ allowed into the examination hall, with the exception of devices used for assisting students with hearing visual or other physical difficulties. Exchange of pens, pencils, calculators, study material, etc. is not permitted.
11. Calculators with more than one-line display or with alphanumeric display (programmable calculators) are not permitted into the examination hall unless specified in advance by the examiner.
12. Students should ensure that they are not carrying any personal material, other than that allowed by the course instructor for the particular examination, before they take their seats in the exam hall. Any such material found on during the examination would be construed as a deliberate attempt to use unfair means.
13. Use of unfair means is considered a very serious offence. The cases of cheating shall be referred to the Examination Squad Committee and the Committee shall investigate the matter and recommend necessary action (s)to Chairman, Senate forapproval.
14. Failure to comply with the rules will be considered as a breach of academic and examination rules and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.


The Institute has a coherent and an effective anti-ragging policy in place which is based on the ‘UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009. The UGC Regulations have been framed in view of the directions issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to prevent and prohibit ragging in all Indian Educational Institutions and Colleges.
Ragging means the following:
1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating, or handling rudeness any student.
2. Indulging in undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any other student.
3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such a student.
4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts, or disturbs the regular academic activity of any student.
5. Exploiting the services of a student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a student by other students.
7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.
8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to any other student.
9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority, or superiority by a student over any other student.

Anti-Ragging Committee:

The Antiragging Committee, and the Anti-Ragging Squad must be constituted by the Principal and shall consists of Principal. Representatives of faculty members, parents, students belonging to the fresher’s category as well as seniors and non-teaching staffs. They shall examine all complaints of anti-ragging and come out with recommendation based on the nature of the incident. The Committee of the Institute shall take appropriate decisions, including imposition of punishment, depending on the facts and circumstances of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging. Preventing or acting against ragging shall be the collective responsibility of all levels and sections of authorities or functionaries in the institution including faculty and not merely that of the specific body/ committee constituted for prevention of ragging. The institution shall file First Information Report (FIR) with the police/ local authorities whenever a case of ragging is reported but continue with its own enquiry and other measures without waiting for action on the part of the police/ local authorities. Remedial action shall be initiated and completed within one week of the incident itself. A student found guilty by the committee will attract one or more of the following punishments, as imposedby the Antiragging Committee:
1. shall be filed by the Institute with the local police authorities.
2. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
3. Suspension/ expulsion from the hostels.
4. Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
5. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
6. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national, or international meet, tournament, youth festival etc.
7. Cancellation of admission.
8. Expulsion from the institution
9. Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
10. Fine ranging between Rs 25,000/- and Rs. 1 Lakh
11. When the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institute shall resort to collective punishment.

Student Grievance Redressal Procedure

In compliance with the stipulations of UGC (Clause 5 of the UGC- Redressal of Grievances of Students) regulations 2023, a Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted by the Principal at the college level. The institution prioritizes the psychological and subjective contentment of its students. To ensure that The Chairperson of the said committee shall be a Professor and shall consist of four professors/ senior faculty members of the College of whom one shall be a woman and at least one member shall be from SC/ST/OBC category. A representative from among students to be nominated on academic merit/ excellence in sports/ performance in co-curricular activities as special invitee. The term of the chairperson and members shall be for a period of two years. The term of the special invitee shall be one year. The primary responsibility of the SGRC is to address and resolve student grievances pertaining to academic and non-academic matters. It shall ensure the grievances are taken up, examined, and resolved in a just and transparent manner, in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the University Order No: 54179/CDC/2023/UOK. The committee shall meet periodically and evaluate the steps taken or frame guidelines or general instructions, or directions for the maintenance of a peaceful atmosphere on the campus. The Committee shall generally discuss the various basic problems of the students and any unhealthy relationship between the students, students and teachers or students and non-teaching staff of the college and suggest and implement remedial measures.

Disciplinary Actions:

If there is a case against a student for a possible breach of code of conduct, then a committee will be formed to recommend a suitable disciplinary action who shall inquire into the alleged violation and accordingly suggest the action to be taken against the said student. The committee may meet with the student to ascertain the misconduct and suggest one or more of the following disciplinary actions based on the nature of misconduct.
1. WARNING- Indicating that the action of the said delinquent student was inviolation of the Code and any further acts of misconduct shall result in severe disciplinary action.
2. RESTRICTIONS -Reprimanding and Restricting access to various facilities on the campus for a specified period.
3. MONETARY PENALTY- suspension or forfeiture of scholarship/fellowship for a specific time-period.
4. SUSPENSION- A student may be suspended for a specified period which will entail prohibition on participating in student related activities, classes, programs etc. Additionally, the student will be forbidden to use various facilities provided by the Institution unless permission is obtained from the concerned Authority. Suspension may also be followed by possible dismissal, along with the following additional penalties.

Code of Conduct for Administrative Staff

1. Adhere to the Vision and Mission of the Institution
2. Uphold the values of Gender sensitivity and Environment protection.
3. Respect the dignity of superiors and co-workers in the workplace and carry out interactions maintaining Official decorum.
4. Staff are barred from using cell phones other than for official use.
5. The administrative staff must be present in the office at the right time.
6. Staff must always display ID cards when they are on campus.
7. Every staff employed in the college shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations.
8. Members of the administrative staff should work in collaboration with the Superintendent and under the authority of the Principal.
9. It shall be mandatory for the staff employed in the college to do any work in connection with an examination conducted by the University or other statutory agencies or college, upon proper intimation by the Principal or Chief Superintendent of Examinations
10. They should work sincerely for the effective administration of the institution.
11. Responsibilities assigned to them must not be sub-delegated without prior permission from the Principal.
12. They shouldn’t leave the college campus during working hours without the permission of the Principal and must document the same by maintaining a movement register.
13. They should abide by the laws and regulations of the College. Students, staff, and colleagues should be treated with respect and courtesy.
14. They should make sure that the confidentiality of the records/files assigned to them is always maintained.
15. When complaints are raised against the functioning of any section in the college office, he/she should be directed to the Superintendent or the Principal immediately.
16. Members of the non-teaching staff are allowed to take leave on working day under unavoidable circumstances. However, they must get the Principal’s permission and inform their immediate superiors before going on leave.
17. Those members of the non-teaching staff working in the department laboratories should maintain a stock register for all the articles under their care. For articles damaged by the students, a separate register should be maintained.
18. Accepting bribes of any kind is an actionable offence.
19. Files shouldn’t be delayed purposefully. Complete co-operation with the management is expected from the members of the non-teaching staff.

Code of Conduct of Teaching Faculty

Teachers of the institution are bound to follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the UGC, University of Kerala, Kerala Service Rules (KSR) and Management.
1. Adhere to the Vision and Mission of the Institution
2. Respect the dignity of superiors and co-workers in the workplace and carry out interactions maintaining Official decorum.
3. Teachers are barred from using cell phones while taking classes.
4. Acknowledge the fact that discharge of assigned duties is an official responsibility and not a matter of personal choice. Any difficulty complying must be communicated in written.
5. Conform to the rules and regulations of Institution, University and Government while carrying out official procedures.
6. The decision taken by the Principal about internal management and administration of the College will be final and teachers are bound to obey the rules framed and enforced by the Principal for maintenance of discipline in the college.
7. College council is the apex body with advisory functions. The final decision will be taken by the Principal based on the existing laws and status of the University of Kerala.
8. Uphold the reputation of the department and institution before the public and not to engage in any activity that may prove to be detrimental to its morale, glory and goodwill.
9. Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department.
10. Teachers should complete the syllabus in time. Teachers shall produce good results in the subjects handled by them and are accountable for the same.
11. The Mentor-Mentee system must be effectively implemented. Teachers shall monitor the respective group of students who are attached to them.
12. Answer books of CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) are to be valued and marks are to be informed to the students. Marks for the assignments, CIA Tests, Seminars if attended are to be entered in the respective report.
13. Teachers should be good counsellors and facilitators. They should help, guide, encourage and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching- Learning Process is effective and successful. Value based education must be their motto.
14. Teachers should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
15. Teachers must always display ID cards when they are on campus.
16. Teachers must desist from awarding physical punishments to students indulging in misbehaviour in the classrooms. However, they can warn such students or report to the HoD/Principal for necessary action.
17. Maintain utmost tolerance while dealing with burning issues among students and subordinates.
18. Cases of indiscipline, misbehaviour or insubordination should be dealt with at the HoD or Principal level as such teachers should not threaten the students in the name of marks or other punitive action for their lapses or indiscipline.
19. Staff members must take attendance within the first 15 minutes of starting the period.
20. Troublemakers in the classrooms must be reported to the HoD/Principal for further action.
21. They must maintain a teacher’s diary during each semester/year.
22. Teachers shall perform his/her duty to promote professional growth by engaging in knowledge production and dissemination.
23. Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available on the campus unless otherwise, they are assigned duties elsewhere.
24. Teachers should remain on the campus till the end of the College hours.
25. Adhere to the rules and regulations of University/ Government/Management which restricts social media communications and posts publicizing administrative decisions, policies, and internal affairs of the institution as it may hamper expected confidentiality inviting unwarranted discussions and intrusions.

Invigilation Duty

Teachers assigned to invigilation duties must arrive half an hour prior to the start of the examination. Once duties are assigned they must be followed. In case of any difficulty, you can make mutual changes of duties with other teachers and inform accordingly. Teachers assigned to be invigilators must report to the Chief Superintendent 15 minutes before the commencement of the Examination. Collect the seating arrangement, examination stationery and be present at the respective hall at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Ensure that the candidate should not carry any material except the Hall ticket, ID card and non programmable calculator into the examination halls. Ensure that the relevant question papers are given for distribution in the hall. Please ensure to collect the answer book from the candidates before they leave the examination hall. Malpractice cases, if any, should be reported to the Chief Superintendent immediately. Practical examinations must be conducted in the respective Laboratories / Workshops / Drawing Halls only.